History of North America

What characteristics did thevarious city-states not share?


-Athens: Pantheon of Olympian Gods

-Sparta: Polytheistic, reverence of Ares and Athena


-Athens: Democracy

-Sparta: Oligarchy


-Athens: Trade, commerce, art, philosophy

-Sparta: Focus on military, self-sufficiency, limited trade

Social structure:

-Athens: Social classes (citizens, metics, slaves), significant role for women in religious ceremonies and festivals.

-Sparta: Strict social hierarchy (citizens, perioeci, helots), rigid gender roles, women primarily responsible for domestic duties and motherhood.

Cultural values:

-Athens: Emphasis on philosophy, arts, literature, intellectual pursuits

-Sparta: Militaristic values, discipline, physical strength, obedience to the state

Geographic location:

-Athens: Coastal city with access to the sea and trade routes

-Sparta: Inland city in the Peloponnese region