History of South America

What qualities did evangelical religion give to the early American culture?

Individual salvation: The belief that individuals could be saved from eternal damnation by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior. This emphasis on individual responsibility for salvation led to a strong sense of personal accountability and a belief in the importance of hard work and self-improvement.

The importance of conversion: The belief that people could experience a dramatic change in their lives through conversion, or the process of being "born again." This emphasis on conversion led to a focus on evangelism and spreading the gospel to others.

The authority of the Bible: The belief that the Bible was the inerrant and infallible word of God. This emphasis on scriptural authority led to a strong reliance on the Bible for moral guidance and decision-making.

The importance of community: The belief that Christians should be part of a community of like-minded believers. This emphasis on community led to the establishment of churches and other religious organizations that provided social and emotional support to members.