THE HEAD AND THE CAM: The lord of Collasuyu, for example (who was a very powerful guy and owner of large estates in the south) was beheaded and his head, by order of the Inca, should be preserved and decorated, that is, mummified for his preservation. Although it might sound terrifying for our current world, at that time it was common for people of power in the pre-Columbian Andes (I am talking about Incas and pre-Incas) to take the enemy's head as a "cámac prison", that is, "to trap in the head, the force-spirit of the opponent, take his power through the retention of it, to be stronger and govern his people”. An example of this, we have the trophy heads of the Nazca culture, to which any type of hole was closed so that the "camac" would not escape. But anyway, it was not a trophy for fear, terrorizing people and hanging them in the square, as they did in the West. It was kept in one of the galleries of the Yachayhuasi and was available to the Inca and the rituals. The war ended up being magical, the head was with the new lord and the conquered people had to obey their new Cápac.

THE PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE OF RED: The Inca had red ankle-length tunics made, full of large sewn tassels of the same color, and asked the prisoners to wear them. This act would also be linked to the booty:"dress the enemy with the color of the Inca and with the symbol of his tassel (the Maskaypacha) so that it becomes his property." Following act, these prisoners were ritualized with baths of chicha on the head and crumbs of corn dough, to the beat of chants of men and women. These songs told the way in which the Inca “red skirted” the enemy. This was humiliating and lasted about a month.
