Chicken ambrogino with dried fruit
The Christmas is upon us and like every year I start looking for ancient Christmas recipes, just like the one to make chicken ambrogino with dried fruit that I present to you in this post.
It is a typical holiday dish from the medieval era.
I faithfully report the procedure from the site.
To prepare the chicken ambrogino with dried fruit, follow the instructions to the letter below.
Ingredients: 1 chicken, 80 gr. lard, 2 large onions, 8 plums, 10 dates, 2 slices of bread, 20 cl of white wine, 5 cl of vinegar, 10 cl of broth, some cinnamon peel, 3 cloves, 1 pinch of nutmeg , almond milk with 50 g of peeled almonds and ½ liter of warm water. 10 cl of white wine and broth.When the chicken is lightly colored, add salt, add the mixture of almond milk / white wine / broth, a piece of cinnamon coarsely chopped with a knife, the cloves and leave to simmer for about half an hour. Partly heat the rest of the wine with the vinegar, add the crumbled breadcrumbs, dates, pitted plums and nutmeg. Remove from the heat as soon as the sauce thickens. Check the seasoning and taste. Add seasoning if necessary. take the plums and dates of the second preparation, which must remain whole and arrange them around the chicken. Pour the second preparation over the first. See also and ( Photo from: