A page of "The Forme of Cury", a medieval English cookbook (1390) from which the recipe for Fruit Croquettes reported in the post is taken
The cooking recipe which I report in this post is taken from The Forme of Cury , the most important medieval English cookbook (first publication 1390 ); it is a sweet which was served at the table especially at Christmas.
Do you want to do it for the upcoming holidays? Ingredients and procedure for preparing the Fruit croquettes ( Rysshews of fruyt ) you can find them below:For 6 people 350 grams of dried figs, 150 of raisins, 2 apples, 2 pears, 2 glasses of red wine, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon of ginger powder. 2 eggs, breadcrumbs to taste oil for frying.Beat the eggs and finely chop the dried figs and raisins.Add the grated apples and pears, together with the ginger and cinnamon.With the mixture prepare many balls, dip them one by one in the eggs and then pass them in the In a large pan, heat abundant oil, when it is boiling, dip the fruit croquettes and brown them on each side. Drain them well and leave to dry on absorbent paper.