I. The war pitted Paraguay against a military alliance formed by Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay (Triple Alliance), with Brazilians holding the numerical majority in the armies.
II. Despite the final victory, the Brazilian army left the conflict demoralized and began to play, internally, until the end of the Empire, an inexpressive political role.
III. The defeat meant, for Paraguay, the devastation and loss of part of its territory, the interruption of the modernization process begun decades before, and the decimation of an immense portion of its population.
a ) if only I is correct.
b) if only II is correct.
c) if only I and III are correct.
d) if only II and III are correct.
>e) if I, II and III are correct.
Question 02 - UNIOESTE 2007 - The Paraguayan War was the longest, bloodiest and most destructive of the wars that ravaged South America in the 19th century. Started in 1865, it lasted for five years, ending in 1870.According to Dionísio Cerqueira, a former Brazilian combatant:“We lost 100,000 of our best brothers, ignored heroes; and we almost consummated the extermination of a valiant people who knew how to heroically defend the sacred soil of their homeland.” (CERQUEIRA, D. Apud NADAI &NEVES, História do Brasil – 2nd grade, São Paulo:Saraiva, 1995, p. 229).
About this war, it is correct to say:
(A) The consolidation of the The Brazilian imperial regime was the most expressive consequence of the Brazilian victory, since Dom Pedro II did not lose his prestige, even in the face of large external indebtedness.
(B) The Brazilian Army, previously weak and unprepared, gained strength and expression after the war, supporting the emperor against republican clubs.
(C) This war is also known as the War of the Triple Alliance, as it was triggered by an agreement signed between Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay against Paraguay.
(D) Although defeated, Paraguay ended the war by annexing a large amount of territories.(E) Although Brazil had a slave structure, the slaves did not participate in the war, as they were not considered Brazilian citizens.
Question 03 - UniCesumar 2017 - Medicine - “From the 1820s until 1864, relations between Brazil and Paraguay were based on three defining elements:the need to demarcate borders, which each country sought according to criteria that were beneficial to it; the permanent guarantee of free navigation on the Paraguay River; Finally, a key factor in the definition of relations between Rio de Janeiro and Asunción, the threat posed by the Buenos Aires project to rebuild, in the form of a republic, the unity of the former Viceroyalty of La Plata.” Francisco Doratioto. The Paraguay War. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1991, p. 11. According to the text, the tensions that preceded and provoked the war between Brazil and Paraguay have clear links with (A) the North American effort to expand its area of influence in America. (B) Argentine initiatives in the leadership of the independence process of Spanish America. (C) the British presence and its attempt to control trade in the Rio de la Plata region. (D) the processes of independence and national consolidation in the Rio de la Plata region. (E) the isolationism characteristic of Brazilian foreign policy in the Second Reign.
Question 04 - FUVEST 2003 - Transfer – The war that involved the countries of the La Plata basin, between 1864 and 1870,
a) was the bloodiest armed conflict in South American history.
b) had the same motive as the Civil War in the United States of America:differences between slaveholders and abolitionists.
c) it favored, among other immediate demographic consequences, a great expansion of European immigration to São Paulo.
d) it represented a strong stimulus for the expansion technology of the nascent Brazilian arms industry.
e) cemented the political alliance between the Brazilian Emperor D.Pedro II and the Argentine President Juan Manuel Rosas.
Question 05 - UEMG 2018 - “The complaints that the Brazilian army when fighting in the war (1864-1870) was formed by slaves are not new. On the contrary, they are at least one hundred and twenty years old. Its first authors were the editors of the Paraguayan newspapers of the time that treated the contempt of the Brazilian army based on the dubious argument that, as it was formed by blacks, it must be of inferior quality”.TORAL, André Amaral de. The participation of black slaves in the Paraguayan War. Advanced Studies. v. 9, nº 24, São Paulo, May/Aug. 1995 (Adapted).
About blacks as participants in the Paraguayan War, analyze the statements and mark the alternative that points to the correct ones.
I. The Paraguayan, Brazilian and Uruguayan armies had some battalions formed exclusively by blacks. Examples are the Corpo dos Zuavos da Bahia and the Uruguayan Florida battalion.
II. At the time of the Paraguayan War, there were no black slaves or ex-slaves in the Paraguayan army. Slavery had been abolished in Paraguay in 1842 by Carlos Lopes, father of Francisco Solano López.
III. At the time of the war (1864-1870), in Paraguay, the Brazilian black was represented as an enemy. The Brazilian army was the monkey army and its leaders, according to Lopizta propaganda, were monkeys who intended to enslave the Paraguayan people, leading them from freedom to slavery.
IV. There were blacks in the Brazilian army in the Paraguayan War, but they had already been freed.
(A) Only I and III.
(B) Only II and IV.
(C) Only I and IV.
(D) Only I, II and III.
Question 06 - PUC-Rio 2019 - Regarding the war of the Triple Alliance (Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay) against Paraguay, between 1864 and 1870, the following statements are made:
I - During the government of Francisco Solano Lopes, the Paraguayan economy reached its apex, with the installation of telegraph lines, the construction of railways, the creation of factories, and the maintenance of a favorable balance of trade.
II - It reflected the disputes in the process of formation of the National States in the Platinum region, where the free navigation in the Rio de la Plata Basin, presented itself as a strategic issue for the countries involved in the conflict.
III - In order to keep slavery intact in Brazil, during the period when the country was at war, the recruitment of blacks and mestizos, making it impossible for fugitive slaves to enter the army.
IV - Favored by an economy focused on agropastoral exploitation, Uruguay was experiencing a peaceful political moment internally, which explains its almost insignificant participation in the conflict.
ONLY statements are correct
(A) I and III
(B) II and III
(C) I and II
(D) III and IV
(E) I and IV
Question 07 - PUCRS 2006.2 - INSTRUCTION:Answer question 07 based on the statements below, about the period in which the Paraguayan War took place (1864-1870).
I. Paraguay developed a nationalist and statist economic policy, focused on the internal market and based on strengthening agriculture, developed in small and medium-sized properties; in the creation of state farms and foundries; and in the construction of railways and shipyards.
II. Paraguay had problems for the development of foreign trade, as it did not have access to the sea, thus depending on the Rio Paraná and Rio de la Plata – controlled by Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.
III. The Triple Alliance between Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay was facilitated by the long convergence of political and economic interests of the three countries in the La Plata Region.
IV. The Paraguayan War accelerated a crisis and, consequently, the end of the Empire of Brazil, by deepening the internal contradictions between the Army and civilian leadership, increasing the imbalance of finances and questioning the slave pact.
27) By analyzing the alternatives, it is concluded that only are correct
A) I and II B) I and III
C) I, II and IV
D) II and IV
E) III and IV
Question 08 - FGV-SP 2010 - Economics - 1st phase - A critical approach to this conflict reveals war crimes committed by Caxias, by the count d'Eu; exposes the killing of children aged between nine and fifteen (…) gives us the entire profile of the massacre of a people and, more than that, shows the Empire of Brazil at the service of England, crushing a free country so as not to unbalance the system of domination that British imperialism maintained in South America. (Júlio José Chiavenato, A Guerra contra o Paraguai) In the first decade of the 1860s, the Paraguayan government (…) sought to have an active participation in the Platine events, supporting the Uruguayan government antagonized by Argentina and the Empire [of Brazil]. (…) The Paraguayan War was, in fact, the result of the process of building national states in the Rio de la Plata and, at the same time, a landmark in their consolidation. (Francisco Doratioto, Maldita Guerra)
The fragments allow us to conclude that
a) the Paraguayan War was an event on which it is possible to construct different, often conflicting, interpretations.
b) British interests were solely responsible for the War in Brazil, as this conflict is known in Paraguay.
c) the South American republics aimed to destroy the Brazilian Empire, through its connection with the interests of English capitalism .
d) the reunification of La Plata, supported by the Brazilian Empire, heightened diplomatic tensions with Argentina and Uruguay.
e) the biggest war in South America began with Uruguayan aggression against Paraguay, due to that nation's secret agreements with Argentina.
Question 09 - UNIFOR 2002.2 - Observe the figure that identifies the results of the Paraguayan War for Brazil.

On the subject it is correct to say that this War
(A) reoriented the system of political domination in Brazil, breaking the hegemony of the conservatives, valuing the lieutenants and overthrowing the monarchy.
(B) characterizes a period in Brazilian history marked by political instability, threatening the continuity of the monarchy and national unity.
/>(C) had a libertarian, anti-monarchical, anti-slavery meaning and against the predominance of large landed property in the countries involved in the conflict.
(D) was responsible for the consolidation of the national state and the monarchy, under the hegemony of the great land and slave owners.
(E) started the crisis of the Brazilian monarchy with the emergence of the abolitionist movement, republican agitation and the politicization of the Army.
Question 10 - UVA 2004.2 - From the Arsenal da Guerra de Porto Alegre, Brazilian soldiers left to fight enemy troops during the Paraguayan War – a conflict between 1864 and 1870, involving Paraguay and the Triple Alliance formed by:
A. Argentina, Peru and Bolivia
B. Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay
C. Brazil, United States and Mexico
D. United States, Colombia and Venezuela
Question 11 - PUC-SP 2008/2 - The Paraguayan War (1865-1870) also involved Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. About this war, it can be said that
a) it derived exclusively from Paraguayan expansionist interests, which intended to obtain an exit to the sea and, for that, they challenged Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, which united to defend the sovereignty of their territories.
b) it was the only military conflict in South America, although political, commercial and diplomatic disputes between Argentines, Brazilians, Paraguayans and Uruguayans persist to this day, all in search of continental hegemony.
c) derived from the British imperialist disposition, which intended to sell its manufactured products in the domestic market of Paraguay and, for that, forced Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay to attack the neighboring country.
d) it was the biggest military conflict in South America and was related to the difficulties in the process of national formation of the Hispanic countries -Americans and the expansionist anxieties of Argentines, Brazilians and Paraguayans.
e) derived from the intransigence of the Brazilian imperial government, which intended to expand the territory tory in the Prata region and, for that, forced Paraguay to act to preserve its autonomy.
Question 12 - (Adapted) - IDECAN - 2015 - City Hall of Rio Novo do Sul - ES -
The biggest armed conflict in South America began on December 13, 1864 and ended only with the death of leader Solano López, on March 1, 1870. The country mobilized almost all of its population for war, where faced the army of the Triple Alliance, formed by Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. This conflict became known as the war
A) of Paraguay.
B) of Cisplatina.
C) of the Malvinas.
D) of the Emboabas.
Question 13 - IF-SP - 2019 - IF-SP - The Paraguayan War (1864-1870) is a clear example of how History, without being arbitrary, is a work of creation that can serve several purposes. In recent years, a new explanation has emerged in historiography, which is not the last word, but a less ideological version, more coherent and well supported by documents and which can be expressed in the version that the conflict was:
( A) result of the expansionist plans of the Paraguayan dictator Solano López and extolling the heroic feats and Brazilian military capacity.
(B) identified with the independence processes of Latin America and the power disputes to assume a dominant position in the continent.
>(C) revised in a broader context of the history of Paraguay which, from a positive lopizte perspective, blamed Brazil and Argentina.
(D) financed by British imperialism that had an interest in controlling the trade in Paraguayan cotton, a fundamental raw material for the British textile industry.
Question 14 - UDESC 2019/2 - The Paraguayan War can be considered one of the biggest armed conflicts in the history of South America. It caused the death of hundreds of people from all armies involved and, in addition, caused economic imbalance and indebtedness of the countries involved. About the Paraguay War, it is correct to say:
A. Brazil did not suffer great losses from the War in Paraguay, insofar as it was able to reconquer part of the Paraguayan, Argentine and Uruguayan territories.
B. The war generated profits for England, which lent billions of pounds to the countries of the Triple Alliance.
C. Brazil did not have an active participation in the War, being involved only through economic agreements.
D. Paraguay, despite the financial costs of the war, did not suffer major casualties in terms of its population.
E. Argentina remained in a position of neutrality during the war.
JUDGMENT 01 - C02 - C03 - D04 - A05 - A06 - C07 - C08 - A09 - E
10 - B
11 - D
12 - A
13 - B
>14 - B