History quiz

Viking religion exercises

question 1

The religion of the Vikings, also known as Norse paganism, was polytheistic, that is, it had several gods. Which of the following gods DOES NOT belong to the religiosity of the Vikings:

a) Odin

b) Njord

c) Týr

d) Nyyrikki

e) Balder

question 2

Regarding the religiosity of the vikings, select the INCORRECT alternative.

a) The main accounts concerning the myths and beliefs of the Norse religion are the Prose and Poetic Eddas.

b) The Norse believed that the universe would come to an end after a catastrophic event known as Ragnarök.

c) Woods and other places in nature could be transformed into places of worship to the gods.

d) Thor was the most revered god among the Norse gods, as his cult was more widespread among the peasants.

e) Icelandic poet Snorri Sturluson was responsible for writing the Poetic Edda.

question 3

The religion of the Norse was characterized by being very much based on individual worship, although there were public demonstrations of faith that took place at special times – such as the solstices. The religious festivals that took place were not necessarily celebrated by priests, as the Norse religion did not require the existence of priests. The king was primarily responsible for conducting these festivals, but when the king did not, this role was filled by the :

a) noble.

b) merchants.

c) slaves.

d) by the king's wife.

e) by the village elder.

question 4

Regarding the myths and beliefs of the Vikings, much of what is known is found in written sources that have been found over the years. The main sources are the Prose and Poetic Eddas and also some of the Icelandic sagas. In the case of the Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson, there is a specific chapter that narrates all the events of the Norse worldview. This chapter is known as:

a) Volsungos Saga

b) Saga of the Greenlanders

c) The Wise Woman's Prophecy

d) Gylfi's Deception

e) The Loki Discussion

answers Question 1


The god mentioned that does not belong to the religion of the Vikings is Nyyrikki, which is part of Finnish mythology. Nyyrikki was the Finnish god of hunting and livestock and was the son of Tapio (forest spirit for Finns) and Mielikki (goddess of hunting and forests). All other gods mentioned belonged to the Norse belief of the Viking Age.

Question 2


The Poetic Edda is also known as the Codex Regius. It is a collection of poems written in the Old Norse language that was rescued in the 17th century. The authors of the poems that make up the Poetic Edda are unknown. Snorri Sturluson, Icelandic poet and historian, was responsible for writing the Prose Edda in the 13th century.

Question 3


Generally, the kings conducted festivals in worship of the gods and, if necessary, the nobles (jarlar ) became responsible for conducting the festivities.

Question 4


The Gylfaginning, translated as The Deception of Gylfu, is the chapter of the Prose Edda that narrates in a linear way the events of Norse belief, which began with the creation of the universe and were concluded with the catastrophic event of destruction of the universe, Ragnarök.