(UFG) Read the following snippet:
The impracticality of populating the said captaincy [Goiás] or any other part of Portuguese America except with nationals of the same America. And that since the entire hinterland of that vast continent was covered by Indians, these must be mainly those who populated the places, towns and cities that were formed. (Royal letter from D. José I to D. José Vasconcelos, governor of the Captaincy of Goiás . 1758. In:PALACIN, Luís. The Golden Century in Goiás . goiânia. UCG Publisher, 1994. p, 84.)
The document points out the concern of the Portuguese Crown with the population of the Captaincy of Goiás, whose unfolding was the policy of:
a) Occupation of indigenous lands.
b) Just war against indigenous tribes.
c) Miscegenation of whites, Indians and blacks.
d) Intermittent clashes with indigenous tribes.
e) Implantation of indigenous villages.
question 2(UEG) The integration of Goiás into the national economy found a turning point in the construction of Brasília:Goiânia became a fundamental point of support for the construction of the new capital. Regarding the economic integration of Goiás between the 1950s and 1970s, mark the CORRECT alternative:
a) There was enormous resistance from the political elite of Goiás in ceding an immense amount of land for the formation of the Federal District, since cattle ranching activity was intensively developed on the lands where the new capital would be built.
b) The construction of Brasília received undisputed support from all political parties, since the interiorization of the capital was already foreseen in the first republican constitution. The dream of building a new capital went beyond ideological divisions.
c) The 1964 coup paralyzed investments in the modernization of Brazilian agriculture. The economic model adopted reserved a secondary role for agriculture, concentrating investments on industrial development.
d) The modernization of agriculture in Goiás was a result of the transfer of the capital, as the state of Goiás became responsible for supplying Brasília, which allowed a profound change in Goiás agriculture, with the growth of the small property.
e) The integration of the Goiás economy into national investment flows began at the end of the 1920s with the arrival of the rails, but it only gained decisive momentum with the development of modern agriculture, with the cultivation of of soy.
question 3The year 1749 marked the moment when Goiás ceased to be an extension of the Captaincy of São Paulo and became an independent captaincy. On that occasion, the person responsible for governing the Captaincy of Goiás was:
a) Bartolomeu Bueno da Silva
b) Dom Marcos de Noronha
c) Pedro Ludovico
d) Mauro Borges
e) Totó Caiado
question 4The city of Goiânia is the result of the intervention policy of the Vargas Era. The intervenor appointed by Vargas, Pedro Ludovico Teixeira, began to build the city in 1933. The transfer of the capital, from the city of Goiás, to Goiânia, took place in 1937, at the beginning of the Estado Novo. The creation of the new capital had, eminently, the function of:
a) preserve the political power of local oligarchies, such as the Caiados.
b) establish domains over lands that belonged to the State of São Paulo at that time.
c) take political power away from local oligarchies.
d) introduce in Goiás the cultivation of sugarcane and the system of sugar mills and mills.
e) remove the indigenous tribes that inhabited the outskirts of the city of Campinas das Flores, today the neighborhood of Campinas.
answers Question 1Letter E
The process of indigenous settlements in the Captaincy of Goiás took place between 1749 and 1811, therefore, between the 18th and 19th centuries. There were six main villages:1) São Francisco Xavier do Duro; 2) São José do Duro (or Formiga); 3) Saint Joseph of Mossâmedes; 4) Move Edge; 5) Maria I and 6) Pedro III's cart.
Question 2Letter E
Goiânia, since the decade of its foundation, played a decisive role in the projection of Goiás in the sphere of agricultural modernization and, consequently, of national economic integration. However, in the following decades, this development became even more exponential, guaranteeing a decisive insertion of Goiás in the country's economy.
Question 3Letter B
Dom Marcos de Noronha, who was also known by his noble title “Count of Arcos”, came to hold a military post (in the positions of lieutenant, lieutenant and captain) before becoming, in 1745, , governor of the Captaincy of Pernambuco. He remained in Pernambuco until 1748, when he was finally appointed governor of the newly created captaincy of Goiás; function that he held until the year 1755.
Question 4Letter C
The central point of the creation of Goiânia was to complete the process of decentralizing the political power of the local oligarchies, which began in 1930, with the rise of Getúlio Vargas to power.