Archaeological discoveries

Gu Chao Ya Suta


General condition

Currently, the ancient site is located in the city of Lampang. On Wang Nuea Road The ancient site is surrounded by communities. South adjacent to Wang Nuea Road The archaeological area has been preserved and landscaped by the relevant agencies.

this ancient site In the past, it was located in the ancient city of Kelang Nakhon. At present, it is located about 300 meters north of the Wang River. The general geography is the Wang River basin. Which is part of the longest and widest basin in the north called "Lampang Basin"

Height above mean sea level

268 meters


Wang River

Geological conditions

Wang River Basin It is part of the longest and widest basin in the North, known as “Lampang Basin”, surrounded by high mountains.

Archaeological Era

historical era


Lanna period

Archaeological age

21st century Buddhist

Types of archaeological sites

religious place

archaeological essence

Ku Chao Ya Suta is the entrance arch of Wat Kak Kaew (abandoned) in Khelang Nakhon ancient city area.

Year 2010, the Fine Arts Department excavated making it possible to see the ancient site as above the ground Which is about 1-1.5 meters deeper than the current floor and found evidence that Wat Kak Kaew (abandoned) was constructed with a plan to face south. (facing out to the Wang River). and building bases such as chedi, ubosot, viharn, passageway to the viharn and the building does not know its function.

Mekong Gate It is a brick arch with stucco decorated with stucco patterns of flora species. There are stucco statues of angels on the arch pillars, 4 images, damaged and broken, the lower base is octagonal shape, the door structure is wooden. Probably influenced by the stucco adorning the walls of the Viharn of Wat Chet Yod. There is a walkway connecting from the Mekong arch to the inside of the temple.

The Temple At least 2 periods have been built and restored. There is a walkway connecting from the Mekong arch. Found a pagoda in the north and the chapel is to the northeast of the Viharn.

The eastern area of ​​the archaeological site has not been excavated. especially the eastern part of the chapel Because there is a large Bodhi tree Under the Bodhi tree, there is also a wooden building set up. which is highly respected by the people in this area The age is determined from the stucco patterns adorning the Mekong arch and the ancient artifacts obtained from the excavations. It is assumed that Wat Kak Kaew (abandoned) was built in the Lanna period. Age in the 21st Buddhist century onwards, when the city of Khelang Nakhon was under the supervision of Chiang Mai.

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