The Olmecs were known to have built round huts with thatched roofs, sometimes raised on stilts to protect against flooding. The walls of these huts were often made of mud or wattle and daub, and the floors were made of packed earth.
The Olmecs were known to have built round huts with thatched roofs, sometimes raised on stilts to protect against flooding. The walls of these huts were often made of mud or wattle and daub, and the floors were made of packed earth.
On the island of Betio, the works had lasted more than a year. There was the Japanese headquarters of the Gilbert system and the only airfield in the archipelago, not to mention an incredible accumulation of defenses. The island was five kilometers long and at most 500 meters wide. Its entire shorel
September 1792 to October 1795:during the French Revolution, an assembly called the National Convention is in power. It is at the origin of the First Republic. One of his first decisions was to recruit by lot 300,000 men for the war against the European monarchies:Austria, Prussia, Spain and England
Fragmentary portrait of the elderly Sesostris III. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York • WIKIMEDIA COMMONS When Sesostris III ascended the throne around 1878-1872 BC. J.-C., the pharaohs of the XIIth dynasty (c. 1991-1784 BC) failed to recapture the imposing grandeur of the Old Kingdom. They st
Saddam Husseins Iraq emerged impoverished from an eight-year war against Iran, which lasted from 1980 to 1988. At the end of the war, the small emirate of Kuwait decided to increase its production of oil by 20% without consulting the OPEC countries, thus causing the price of oil to fall:because of t