The Occaneechee were closely related to, and were sometimes considered part of, the Tuscarora Confederacy. They possessed a well-developed culture and social structure, with an economic emphasis on hunting and the farming of corn, beans, and squash. They also foraged for wild plants, nuts, and berries, and fished for sturgeon and other species.
The Occaneechi were a sedentary tribe and lived in dome-shaped houses made from bark or woven saplings covered with mud. These homes were typically arranged in semi-circular villages, usually near a river for fishing and transportation.
Political Organization
Within the Occaneechi tribe there were two principal political positions — that of chief and that of war leader. The chief governed the band, was responsible for maintaining peace, organizing public works projects, and acting as a community leader. The war leader was responsible for managing military activities, leading raids against enemy tribes, and defending the tribe.
Religion and Ceremonies
They believed in the existence of one all-powerful god who created the world. Other spirits, both benevolent and malevolent, were also believed in. The tribe participated in a number of ceremonies, including a Green Corn Ceremony, a First Fruits Festival, and a Mourning Ceremony. These rituals served to unite the community, pay respect to the forces of nature, and to ensure a bountiful harvest.
Trade and Interaction with Other Tribes
The Occaneechi were part of a larger network of trading relationships with other tribes such as the Tuscarora, Saponi, and Nottoway. They exchanged furs, skins, and dried foods for metal tools, weapons, beads, and other manufactured goods.
The Occaneechi were also known for their skill in crafting wampum, a type of shell beads that were used as currency, jewelry, and for decorative purposes. Wampum belts served to record treaties, agreements, and other important events, while tubular wampum was often strung together to create necklaces and other forms of adornment.
The Occaneechi also played an important role in facilitating communication between different tribes, as their language was widely understood in the region. They served as intermediaries in negotiations, treaties, and other forms of diplomatic relations.