Therefore, the kingdom of ancient Israel in Southern Levant served as the geographical locus where the Israelites practiced their monotheistic beliefs and rituals focused on the worship of Yahweh.
Therefore, the kingdom of ancient Israel in Southern Levant served as the geographical locus where the Israelites practiced their monotheistic beliefs and rituals focused on the worship of Yahweh.
Anatolia , Turkish Anadolu , also Called Asia Minor , the peninsula that today the Asian part of the Turkey makes . Due to its location at the point where the continents meet Asia and Europe from the beginning of civilization, Anatolia was a crossroads for numerous peoples who
Tiradentes was one of the main characters of the period of Colonial Brazil and became the emblem of the so-called Inconfidência Mineira. Who was Tiradentes? “Straps” was the nickname given to Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, who became famous for being one of the leaders of Min Confidence and for
The advances of the Industrial Revolution put at the service of the war machine led to the development of weapons capable of inflicting devastating losses on armies. Trench warfare revealed, among its many horrors, the high number of casualties on both sides from head injuries. In the trenches, the
In principle, the First Castilian Civil War was not very different from the paradigm of medieval warfare as it had been known until then, where the main war actions consisted, beyond the occasional pitched battles, in the deep rides on enemy lands and in the siege of different strong points, whether