Ancient history

Why was the life expectancy of women during elizabethan era so short?

1. High Mortality Rates in Childbirth:

The lack of prenatal care and the risk associated with childbirth resulted in a high mortality rate for women during the Elizabethan era.

2. Limited Medical Knowledge and Practices:

The medical practices during the Elizabethen era were often ineffective, and many common illnesses were misunderstood.

3. Poor Sanitation and hygiene:

Lack of proper sanitation and hygiene measures led to the spread of diseases and illnesses.

4. Limited Access to Healthcare:

Medical care was primarily accessible to the wealthy and privileged, leaving the majority of the population without adequate medical assistance.

5. Nutritional deficiencies:

The diet of many people during the Elizabethan era was often lacking in essential nutrients, leading to malnutrition and increased vulnerability to diseases.