Ancient history

What was a kapo during the holocaust?

A kapo was a prisoner assigned by the Nazis to supervise work details of other prisoners. Kapos generally had been prisoners for some time and were chosen because they were seen as reliable, obedient, and cooperative. They were given certain privileges, such as extra rations of food and the right to wear civilian clothes. However, they were also held responsible for the conduct and productivity of the prisoners under their supervision, and could be severely punished if they failed to meet Nazi expectations.

The role of the kapos in the Holocaust was highly controversial. Some kapos exploited their power and abused the prisoners under their supervision, while others tried to protect them or at least make their lives more bearable. Many survivors of the Nazi camps remember the kapos with bitterness, while others acknowledge the difficulties of the role and the pressures kapos faced.

After the Holocaust, some former kapos were tried and convicted of war crimes. However, many escaped punishment and went on to lead normal lives.