Ancient history

How did the blood bank invention impact peopleQuestion bc people could go and get from their type if they was wounded or lost blood.answer?

How did the blood bank invention impact people?

- Blood transfusions saved lives. Before the invention of blood banks, people who lost a lot of blood often died. With the advent of blood banks, it became possible to transfuse blood into patients, which saved countless lives.

- Blood banks made surgeries safer. Surgeries that involve a lot of bleeding, such as heart surgery and organ transplants, are much safer with the use of blood transfusions. Blood banks ensure that there is a ready supply of blood available for surgical procedures.

- Blood banks helped to improve public health. By providing a safe and reliable source of blood, blood banks helped to prevent the spread of blood-borne diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV/AIDS.

- Blood banks made it possible to treat certain medical conditions. Some medical conditions, such as anemia and leukemia, can be treated with blood transfusions. Blood banks ensure that there is a supply of blood available for these patients.

- Blood banks have a positive impact on society by saving lives, making surgeries safer, improving public health, and making it possible to treat certain medical conditions.