The first known reference to the proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" was in 390 AD by St. Ambrose.
The first known reference to the proverb "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" was in 390 AD by St. Ambrose.
On September 14, 1942, the Russian front at Stalingrad was shaking so dangerously that any reinforcements that arrived from the east bank of the Vogla were thrown, in small groups, directly into the battle. One of these subunits was the 3rd Company of the 42nd Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Rifle
Leaving the latter in the care of the anti-tank guns, he charged the Panzergrenadieren with bayonets to force them to drop out. But the pressure from the enemy was too strong. By nightfall, the Thomas company was reduced to its chief, a sergeant and five men. The brigade gave the order to withdraw a
The 1941 census report in undivided India stated that 460 crore population depended on the Indus river water system. According to the report of the Radcliffe Commission, after the partition, 25 million of this population went to Pakistan and 21 million people remained in India. After this partition,
It is said that they ride broomsticks, meet at the witches dance, make a pact with the devil and can use their magic powers to cause all sorts of damage:the belief in witches is ancient. An ancient belief In the early modern period, real hunts for supposed witches began. Thousands of people - mostl