- To control access to the Midlands
- As a symbol of the power and prestige of the Warwick family
- To control access to the Midlands
- As a symbol of the power and prestige of the Warwick family
Osroëne , also Osrhoene , ancient kingdom of northwestern Mesopotamia, lies between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and lies on the modern boundary of the Turkey and Syria . The capital was Edessa (modern Urfa, Tur.). The name of the kingdom ultimately appears to have been deriv
After the first abdication of Napoleon Ist on April 6, 1814, the victorious European powers met in Vienna to negotiate and redesign a new European order. These four great powers are the monarchies hostile to the Revolution and wishing to preserve a monarchical order in Europe; there are Great Britai
In the Middle Ages and during modern times, a form of health and occupational insurance was provided by the corporation of each branch of trades. During the French Revolution, the “mutual aid societies” were launched. They will be supported by all the regimes of the XVIIIth century. 1898:the Mutual
1957:The Treaty of Rome, or Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, is signed on March 25. This is the birth of the European Economic Community (EEC). 1988:the European Council sets the objective of the gradual achievement of economic and monetary union and instructs the Delors Committee to