- In the Middle Ages and during modern times, a form of health and occupational insurance was provided by the corporation of each branch of trades.
- During the French Revolution, the “mutual aid societies” were launched. They will be supported by all the regimes of the XVIII th century.
- 1898:the Mutual Benefit Charter frees the "mutual benefit societies" from administrative control and encourages the first private mutuals while guaranteeing a principle of national solidarity:health assistance is provided to each sick Frenchman deprived of resources.
- 1928:under the Poincaré ministry, a law allows all employees with an employment contract to be insured in the event of illness, maternity, disability, old age and death.
October 1945
Pierre Laroque
Ambroise Croizat
As early as 1944, the National Resistance Council (CNR), an organization that brought together all the resistance movements hostile to the Nazi occupier and Vichy France, adopted a political program for liberated France. It provides for the creation of universal and compulsory social security.
This program was implemented shortly after the liberation of 1945, by the ordinances of October 4 and 19, 1945. They were marked by the work of Pierre Laroque, a senior official and resistant, who became the first director general of Social Security, as well only by the views of PCF deputy Ambroise Croizat.
Social Security responds to three principles:a single organization, joint financing provided by contributions from employers and employees, and finally management of the funds provided by all the social partners (trade unions and employers' organizations).
The ambition of the CNR, which was to create a single social security system, will gradually be realized when the method of covering the risks covered by this organization is extended to the entire French population.
- 1947:Social Security is extended to civil servants.
- 1967:first attempt to rectify the Social Security accounts with the introduction of a progressive delisting of drugs. Social Security is divided into four funds corresponding to the old age, family and sickness branches.
- 1988:creation of the Minimum Integration Income (RMI) for people over 25 with limited resources.