Ancient history

What does the Bible say about supper?

Passover Supper:

* Exodus 12:1-17: Describes the institution of the Passover supper.

* Luke 22:7-15: Jesus and His disciples celebrate the Passover supper.

Last Supper:

* Matthew 26:20-30: Also known as the Lord's Supper or Communion, it is the meal Jesus had with His disciples before His arrest.

* Mark 14:12-26: Another account of the Last Supper.

* Luke 22:7-30: Luke's account of the Last Supper.

* John 13:1-35: Describes events at the Last Supper, including foot-washing and Jesus addressing His disciples.

* 1 Corinthians 11:17-34: Paul discusses the proper observance of the Lord's Supper in Corinth.

Supper at Bethany:

* John 12:1-8: Mary anoints Jesus' feet with perfume during a supper in Bethany.

Supper at Levi's House:

* Matthew 9:9-13: Jesus eats at Levi's house and defends His association with "tax collectors and sinners."

* Luke 5:27-32: Luke's account of the same supper.

Supper at Emmaus:

* Luke 24:28-35: Jesus appears to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and shares a meal with them.

These are just a few instances where supper or meal-related events hold significance in the Bible's narrative.