Crazy 20th century. Perhaps the most eventful century, so I decided to break the chronology of the 20th century into two parts. Between 1900 and 1950, the world was shaken by world wars and revolutions that claimed the lives of tens of millions of people. The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo served as a formal pretext for the First World War, although the great powers simply suffered to measure their strength and chop off tidbits from each other's colonies. During the war, revolutions took place first in Russia, where power passed to the Bolsheviks and a communist regime was established, and then in Germany, which led to the creation of the Weimar Republic. The League of Nations and the USSR were created, Mussolini came to power in Italy. The thirties of the XX century are characterized by the global economic crisis. At this time, the Nazi Party, led by Hitler, seizes power in Germany. The Second World War began, as a result of which Germany suffered a crushing defeat. The United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. The confrontation between the two superpowers of the USA and the USSR, called the "cold war", began. At the end of the first half of the 20th century, the Communist Party led by Mao Zedong came to power in China. The chronology of these, as well as other events of the first half of the 20th century, is presented below.
1904 Creation of the Entente - the military alliance of France and England
1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War. Russian defeat. Peace of Portsmouth
1905-1907 Revolution in the Russian Empire. "Bloody Sunday"
1906 First State Duma of the Russian Empire
1907 Russia's accession to the Entente
1908-1909 Bosnian Crisis
1908-1946 Third Bulgarian Kingdom
1910 Korea passed under the control of Japan
1910-1926 First Portuguese Republic
1911-1912 Italo-Turkish war ("Libyan war"). Treaty of Lausanne
1911-1912 Wuhan uprising. The overthrow of the Qing dynasty. Declaration of Independence of Outer Mongolia. Proclamation of the Republic of China
1912-1913 First Balkan War of the Balkan Union (Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro) against the Ottoman Empire. Treaty of London
1913 The Second Balkan War - the division of Macedonia between Bulgaria on the one hand and Montenegro, Serbia, Greece - on the other
1914-1918 World War I. Entente against the bloc of the Central Powers. Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo. Battles on the Marne, at Ypres, on the Somme, near Verdun, the Brusilov breakthrough. Battle of Jutland
1915 Italy's entry into the war on the side of the Entente
1917 February Revolution in Russia. Abdication of the throne by Nicholas II. Constituent Assembly. Proclamation of a republic in Russia. October Revolution in Russia. II All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. The entry of the United States into the First World War on the side of the Entente
1917-1923 Civil war in Russia and foreign military intervention. Formation of independent states on the territory of Russia and Eastern Europe
1918 Treaty of Brest-Litovsk between Germany and Soviet Russia
1918-1919 Revolution in Germany and the creation of the Weimar Republic
1919-1920 Paris Peace Conference. Treaty of Versailles between Germany and the Entente. Peace treaties between Germany (Versailles), Austria (Saint-Germain), Bulgaria (Neuilly), Hungary (Trianon), Turkey (Sevres) and the countries of the Entente
1919-1946 League of Nations
1922 Genoese conference. Treaty of Rapallo (between the RSFSR and Germany) - the end of the international diplomatic isolation of the RSFSR. Great Britain abolished the protectorate over Egypt, recognizing it as an independent state. First All-Union Congress of Soviets. Education of the USSR. The coming to power in Italy of the fascist party led by Benitto Mussolini
1923 Proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Government led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and its reforms. Hamburg uprising in Germany. Krakow uprising in Poland. Fascist "beer putsch" in Munich, led by General Erich Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler
1924 Establishment of the Mongolian People's Republic
1925 In Geneva, 37 states signed the Protocol on the prohibition of the use in war of poisonous, asphyxiating and other similar gases and biological agents
1927-1928 Kuomintang coup in China. Shanghai massacre. The rise to power of Chiang Kai-shek
1928 15 states signed the Paris Pact (Briand-Kellogg Pact) - an agreement to renounce war as an instrument of national policy
1929 Soviet-Chinese armed conflict. Khabarovsk Protocol
1929-1939 World economic crisis ("Great Depression"). "Black Thursday"
1930 Civil disobedience movement in India. "Salt campaign" led by Mahatma Gandhi
1931 The overthrow of the Spanish monarchy. Establishment of the Second Republic
1931-1932 Mukden incident. The capture by Japan of the northeastern territories of China (Manchuria). Proclamation of the state of Manchukuo, headed by Emperor Pu Yi
1932-1933 Mass famine in the USSR:on the territory of Ukraine, Belarus, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, the South Urals, Western Siberia, Kazakhstan
1932-1935 Geneva Conference of 63 countries on disarmament
1933-1934 Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany. Reichstag fire. NSDAP declared the only party in Germany
1934 The USSR joined the League of Nations
1935-1936 Second Italo-Ethiopian War. Italy annexed Ethiopia. Italian East Africa
1936 The Anti-Comintern Pact is an international treaty between Germany and Japan to fight the world communist movement
1936-1939 Military mutiny led by F. Franco. Spanish Civil War
1937 Accession to the Anti-Comintern Pact of Italy
1937-1945 Sino-Japanese War
1938 Military conflict between the USSR and Japan. Anschluss (annexation) of Austria by Germany. Munich agreement between Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy on the transfer of Sudetenland by Czechoslovakia to Germany. "Kristallnacht" - mass Jewish pogroms in Germany
1939 Italy occupied Albania. Armed conflict near the Khalkhin-Gol River (Mongolia) between the USSR and Japan. "Pact of Steel" (German-Italian treaty of alliance and friendship). The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (non-aggression pact between Germany and the Soviet Union) on the division of spheres of influence. Nazi Germany attacked Poland. Beginning of World War II. Partition of the territory of Poland between Germany and the USSR. Accession of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus to the USSR.
1939-1940 Soviet-Finnish war. Exclusion of the USSR from the League of Nations
1939-1945 The Second World War. Anti-Hitler coalition against the countries of the Nazi bloc
1940 Accession of the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia), Bessarabia to the USSR
1940-1941 German occupation of Denmark, Norway, France, Greece, Crete, Yugoslavia
1941 Neutrality pact between the USSR and Japan. German attack on the USSR on June 22 (plan "Barbarossa"). The battle of Smolensk, the blockade of Leningrad, the battle for Kyiv, Odessa, the defense of Sevastopol, the battle for Moscow.
"Atlantic Charter" between US and UK.
British and Soviet forces occupy Iran
12/07/1941 Japanese aircraft attacked Pearl Harbor, the main US naval base in the Pacific. The United States went to war with Japan and Germany
05/08/1942 The battle in the Coral Sea between the troops of Japan and the allied forces of the United States and Australia (the first clash of aircraft carrier groups)
1942 Battle of Midway Atoll 4 June. Loss of Japanese Initiative in the Pacific
July 1942-January 1943 Stalingrad operation. The beginning of a radical change in World War II in favor of the anti-Hitler coalition
October - November 1942 Battle of El Alamein. The defeat of the North African Ygalo-German grouping of General Rommel by British troops. A turning point in the battles for Africa
July 1943 Kursk operation
July-September 1943 Removal of Mussolini from power. Dissolution of the Fascist Party. Italy's exit from the war. The landing of Anglo-American troops in Italy. Occupation of Italy by the Germans
October 1943 Tehran conference of the leaders of the three allied states - the USSR, Great Britain, the USA
1944 The Battle of Monte Cassino, the operation of the Anglo-American troops in Italy against the German army
06/06-08/31/1944 Allied landing in Normandy and opening of a second front (Operation Overlord)
02/04 - 02/11/1945 Yalta Conference of the Allied Powers on the Post-War Order of the World
April 16 - May 8, 1945 Capture of Berlin. German capitulation
April 25 - June 26, 1945 San Francisco Conference. Creation of the UN
7/17-8/2/1945 Potsdam Conference of the Three States of the Anti-Hitler Coalition (USSR, USA, Great Britain)
08/06, 08/09. 1945 Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
08/09/1945 The USSR declared war on Japan
9/2/1945 Japanese surrender. End of World War II. Establishment of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
11/20/1945 - 10/01/1946 The Nuremberg trials are an international trial of the former leaders of Nazi Germany
1945-1954 The Indochina War, which ended with the division of Vietnam into two independent states:the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (capital - Hanoi) and the Republic of Vietnam (capital - Saigon)
3/5/1946 W. Churchill's speech in Fulton (USA). The Beginning of the Cold War
1946 Proclamation of a republic in Italy. Paris Peace Conference following the Second World War
1947 Marshall Plan (US Secretary of State) for the post-war reconstruction of Europe. Partition of the territory of British India into the Indian Union and the Dominion of Pakistan and granting them independence
11/29/1947 The UN adopted a plan to divide Palestine into two states - Arab and Jewish
1947-1949 Arab-Israeli War
01/30/1948 Murder in Delhi by M. Gandhi
5/14/1948 State of Israel proclaimed
1948 Proclamation of the Republic of Korea (south of the Korean Peninsula) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (north)
1948-1949 First Berlin Crisis. Creation of the enclave of West Berlin, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic
1949 The Council of Europe was created. Four Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War have been signed. Establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO (USA, Canada, Iceland, UK, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Portugal)
10/01/1949 The People's Republic of China (the capital is Beijing) was created. Prime Minister Mao Zedong