Various sects of Christianity
Due to the ideas of Christianity spread by various disciples of Jesus Christ in the early centuries, different sects developed in Christianity which later became the biggest weakness of Christianity. There were bloody conflicts between these sects. The Latin sect of Christianity became more popular in Rome. Some people of the Latin sect worshiped Jesus Christ, various Christian saints and the mother of Jesus by making idols of Mary, while some other members of the same sect opposed idol-worship.
Rise in the influence of the Bishop of Rome
When Emperor Constantine left Rome and went to Constantinople, the influence of the Bishop of Peter's Church on the Romans began to grow. When Constantine accepted Christianity and made Christianity the official religion, the kings of Rome were obliged to cooperate with the bishop and accept his orders.
Catholic Church &Orthodox Church
After some time, the conflict between the followers of the Latin sect of Rome and Constantinia about idol-worship increased so much that eventually the Latino sect split into two. After this partition, the Christians of Rome continued to call themselves the former Latino sect or Catholic sect, while the Christians of Constantinople began to call themselves the Greek sect.
The Romans called the Church of Constantinople 'Orthodox Church' Because the Church of Constantinople was unwilling to accept the religious interpretations offered by the Bishop of Rome and considered any change in the ancient doctrines of Christianity inappropriate.
Appearance of the Pope in Rome
Rome's St. Peter's Latino Church, later 'Catholic Church' Who was known as the owner of relatively open mindedness. The bishop of this church was considered the head of the Latin sect. Later this bishop came to be called the Pope of Rome. Under the leadership of the Pope, the influence of the Latin Church spread across northern and western Europe. Meaning of Pope 'Papa' i.e. father was from The religious obligations he performed were called 'Papasi' was called.
Gradually, the influence of the Pope increased so much in the Roman Empire that if a person did not obey the orders of the Pope or tried to say something different from the religious interpretations made by him, then the Pope would throw that person out of the Christian Union. Used to show.
No matter how influential that person may be or even if he is the king of a kingdom! Such a king had to make heavy atonement to re-enter the religion and the Pope had to pay huge money. After some time, the pope began to consider himself so powerful that when given the opportunity, he started challenging the emperor of Kustantunia as well.
Appearance of Patriarch in Kustuntuniya
Possibly the promotion of the Constantinople emperors resulted in the appearance of the Church of Constantinople in comparison with the Catholic Church of Rome in order to reduce the influence of the Pope of Rome. It was also called the Unani sect, whose main center remained in Kustuntunia. This church spread to the countries of Eastern Europe. The bishop of the Orthodox Church or the presiding officer of Eastern Christians came to be called Patriarch. Under Patriarch, the Pope of Rome could not take any religious action against the Emperor of Constantinople, nor could he dare to remove him from the office of Emperor by showing him a path out of religion.
Since the rise of Christianity occurred after the death of Jesus Christ and his disciples also had to remain hidden from the eyes of the government for a long time, hence its definite philosophical ideas, principles, rules and traditions could not be formed in the beginning of Christianity. . As the number of followers of this religion increased, so did ideological and ideological differences among them.
The Roman Catholic Church declared that only the Pope has the right to materialize and interpret Christianity. If someone other than the Pope offers philosophical interpretations of Christianity, they will not be valid. The main belief behind doing this was that if this was not done, then various ideas would flourish in Christianity which would tarnish the original nature of the religion.
To preserve the sacred nature of religion, a legal body was created called 'Enquisition' where did it go. It was a kind of religious court. Its function was to prevent religious unbelief and to punish those who spread arbitrary ideas about religion. First this organization was established in France and then spread to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany etc.
When some people did not desist from making religious and philosophical interpretations and expressing their free views according to their will, then the laws of the institution called 'Enquisition' went on getting rigid.
Gradually this institution became so rigid that even for the slightest and unimportant independent ideas, this institution used to burn people alive. This court declared hundreds of women witches and put them to death.