Rasputin surrounded by women, great passion of him
There is no aspect of Rasputin's life that is not controversial, but perhaps no one is as controversial as his sexuality, still today, a hundred years after his death, far from clear.
Certainly the Siberian monk was somewhat exuberant from this point of view, but perhaps most of all, what is most striking is his very close link with prostitution, unique in a man who could count on a host of women swooning for him, almost all belonging to high society, available at any time of day or night.
So why the continuous, almost obsessive search for mercenary sex?
But this is a certainty, proven by the long and detailed police reports imperial, which from 1912 began to monitor all his movements.
So it turns out that Rasputin met prostitutes all the time and had intercourse with them everywhere, at his home, in city hotels and even in public baths, often more than once in the same day.
We also received testimonies of some of these women , which tell of a particular behavior held by the mystic, who often would have limited himself to making them undress and look at them, or to lie down on the bed fully clothed next to them, without touching them.
This attitude, in a man who was believed to be even unable to hold back his lowest instincts, is decidedly unusual and difficult to imagine, unless one wants to look at the other more evident aspect of Rasputin's complex personality, namely his undisputed and profound, albeit bizarre, religious sense, which could have led him to "use" prostitutes to test himself and his ability to resist the temptations of the flesh.
Rasputin, in other words, would have resorted to ringing for a mystical experience, an extravagance that, in an eccentric and unusual nature like his own, is not surprising at all.