Red Cloud, (in Sioux:Makhpyia-luta in French Nuage rouge) born in 1821, died on December 10, 1909 is a Sioux chief.
- Red Cloud
Chief of the Oglalas Sioux Indians, he is not the son of a chief but becomes one for his courage and his temerity. He won many battles and encouraged many Sioux leaders to do the same during the "War of the Red Cloud" which he led from 1866 to 1868, a war which aimed to withdraw the armed forces from the Bozeman trail, the Montana trail which runs through Sioux territory. By the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868, he obtained the abandonment of the military forts along the Bozeman Trail as well as territorial guarantees on a reserve of 240,000 km² (including the western part of South Dakota, northern Wyoming and eastern Montana). In 1876 and 1889, however, the Sioux were forced to concede most of this territory.
Red Cloud will not take part in the clashes of 1876, nor those of 1890-91. He died at age 88 on the Pine Ridge Reservation (South Dakota).