1854: The Eureka Rebellion, a miner's uprising in Ballarat, Victoria, highlights the need for greater democracy and representation.
1855: The first intercolonial conference is held in Sydney to discuss common issues, including defence and immigration.
1861: The Australian Agricultural Company is established, marking the beginning of large-scale agriculture in Australia.
1863: The first railway line is built between Melbourne and Geelong.
1868: The first telegraphic message is sent from Australia to England.
1870: The first federal convention is held in Sydney to discuss the possibility of federation.
1883: The National Australasian Convention is held in Sydney, and a draft constitution is adopted.
1890: The Australasian Federation Conference is held in Melbourne, and a final draft constitution is agreed upon.
1891: The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act is passed by the British Parliament, and Australia becomes a self-governing dominion.
1 January 1901: The Commonwealth of Australia is proclaimed.