-Wealthy landowners who owned large plantations and many slaves.
-Made up of about 1% of the population.
-Controlled the government and economy.
-Lived in luxurious mansions.
Small farmers
-Owned small farms and a few slaves.
-Made up of about 15% of the population.
-Often rented land from large planters.
-Lived in modest homes.
Non-slaveholding whites
-Did not own slaves.
-Made up of about 80% of the population.
-Included tenant farmers, sharecroppers, and tradesmen.
-Lived in poverty.
Black slaves
-Made up of about 35% of the population.
-Were brought to America from Africa and forced to work on plantations.
-Lived in terrible conditions.
-Were not allowed to own property, vote, or receive an education.