- South Carolina
- Mississippi
- Florida
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Texas
- South Carolina
- Mississippi
- Florida
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Texas
Zumbi dos Palmares (1655-1695) was the last leader of Quilombo dos Palmares and also the one with the greatest historical relevance. Zumbi gained respect and admiration from his quilombola compatriots due to his skills as a warrior, which gave him courage, leadership and knowledge of military strat
The Golden Law (Law nº 3.353), was sanctioned by Princess Dona Isabel, daughter of Dom Pedro II, on May 13, 1888 . The law granted total freedom to the slaves that still existed in Brazil, a little over 700 thousand, abolishing slavery in the country. The sanction of this law resulted in a victor
The forgotten chronicle. A chapter in the history of our capital on the occasion of its 480th anniversary. If we were in Hollywood and its machinery for extolling American history, there would possibly be dozens of movies and everyone would be talking in the media about The Battle of the Five Presid
What is racial democracy? Racial democracy relates to an ideal social structure in which all citizens, regardless of their race or ethnicity, have the same rights and are treated in the same way. The term democracy has its origin in ancient Greece and in its form of socio-political organization. T