History of South America

What are the values handed to us from colonial time?

Values handed down from colonial times include:

1. Religious Freedom: The American colonies were founded by religious dissidents who sought freedom from religious oppression. This commitment to religious freedom is enshrined in the First Amendment to the US Constitution, which guarantees the free exercise of religion.

2. Representative Government: The early colonists brought with them a tradition of representative government, which was based on the idea that the government should be accountable to the people it represents. This principle is reflected in the US Constitution's system of checks and balances, which ensures that no one branch of government has too much power.

3. Individualism: The colonists valued individualism and self-reliance. This emphasis on individual rights and responsibilities is reflected in the US Constitution's protection of individual liberties, such as freedom of speech and the right to due process of law.

4. Property Rights: The colonists believed in the importance of property rights and the free market. This commitment to private property and free enterprise is enshrined in the US Constitution's Fifth Amendment, which prohibits the government from taking private property without just compensation.

5. Education: The colonists recognized the importance of education and established schools and colleges to educate their children. This commitment to education is reflected in the US Constitution's Article VI, which requires the federal government to support education.

6. Liberty: The colonists were also very committed to protecting their liberty which was a part of every revolution in the 17th and 18th century. This commitment is reflected in the Declaration of Independence, which states that "all men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among them, Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness".

7. Equality: The colonists fought the Revolutionary War to throw off the yoke of British Colonialism. In doing so, they came to embrace the idea that all men were created and equal. While the idea of equality was initially limited mostly white males, it over time expanded to more and more people. However, inequality has remained an persistent issue in the US in the current day. However, the US' system of government is built on the founding principle that every person is equal under the law.

These are just a few of the values that were handed down to us from colonial times. These values have shaped American society and culture, and they continue to be important to Americans today.