History of South America

What is the value of 46 dollars in 1960?

To calculate the value of 46 dollars in 1960 compared to today, we need to consider inflation. Using the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Consumer Price Index (CPI) calculator, we can determine that the CPI in 1960 was 29.6. In contrast, the CPI in 2023 (the latest available data at the time of this calculation) is 299.16.

To calculate the value of 46 dollars in today's money, we can use the following formula:


Value in today's dollars = Value in historical dollars * (CPI in current year / CPI in historical year)


Plugging in the values, we get:


Value in 2023 dollars = 46 * (299.16 / 29.6)

Value in 2023 dollars ≈ 491.31


Therefore, the purchasing power of 46 dollars in 1960 is equivalent to approximately 491.31 dollars in 2023, considering inflation.