W.A.Mozart sick in bed assisted by his wife Costanza
We will probably never know what the great musician W. A. Mozart, but we will never stop asking ourselves.
The only certain thing is that in December 1791, at the age of 35, the artist died for a mysterious cause on which at least 140 different hypotheses have been formulated to date.
It was long believed that the Austrian genius had fallen victim to poison somehow given to him by the envious Antonio Salieri, but today it is certain that this was not the case and the figure of the Italian has been rightly rehabilitated (https://www.pilloledistoria.it/4785/storia-moderna/mozart-salieri-presunta-rivalita-misteriosa-morte-mozart).
So what or who killed Mozart?
The bizarre composer, in the course of his life, had procured a large number of enemies, from Freemasons to Jesuits, but is it possible that someone has even come to want to assassinate him?
Some scholars believe it possible, just as many doubts surround the person of unknown identity who commissioned the musician Requiem, which would prove to be his last work.
Probably, however, Mozart's death was due to much more trivial reasons, such as an incorrect administration or combination of drugs that he was taking to treat a kidney problem which had been dragging on for years; the death certificate reads “acute miliary fever” , but the symptom is so generic that it does not help at all to clarify the story, on the contrary.
In short, after more than two centuries, the question is far from resolved.
If you want to learn more click here:http://www.ilpost.it/2010/08/27/ma-di-cosa-e-morto-mozart/.