History of South America

Indicate the similarities and differences among southern colonies of Virginia Maryland North Carolina South Georgia?


1. All four colonies were founded by the British.

2. All four colonies had a plantation economy based on cash crops such as tobacco and rice.

3. All four colonies had a hierarchical social structure with a small elite of wealthy planters at the top and a large majority of poor farmers and slaves at the bottom.

4. All four colonies had a representative form of government with an elected assembly.


* Virginia:

- First permanent English settlement in North America (Jamestown, 1607)

- Established as a joint-stock company (Virginia Company of London)

- Headright system encouraged settlement: 50 acres for each person transported

- Representative assembly (House of Burgesses) established in 1619

- Diverse economy, including agriculture (tobacco, corn), shipbuilding, and fur trade

- Slavery became entrenched

* Maryland:

- Founded as a refuge for English Catholics (Lord Baltimore, 1634)

- Proprietary colony under the Calvert family

- Toleration Act of 1649 granted religious freedom to all Christians

- Economy based on tobacco cultivation and trade

- Influx of indentured servants and African slaves

* North Carolina

- Established as a royal colony in 1663

- Diverse population, including English settlers, Scots-Irish, Germans, and African slaves

- Agriculture (tobacco, rice, indigo), livestock raising, and naval stores (tar, pitch)

- Limited self-government through elected assembly

* South Carolina:

- Founded in 1669 as a proprietary colony under the Lords Proprietors

- Attracted settlers seeking economic opportunities and religious freedom

- Developed a plantation economy based on rice and indigo cultivation

- Large African slave population

- Complex social structure, including free people of color and Native Americans