- Established the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, which sets out the fundamental human rights and freedoms that all people are entitled to.
- Worked to promote free and compulsory primary education for all children, and has helped to increase the enrollment of girls in school.
- Provided financial assistance and technical expertise to developing countries to help them improve their education systems.
- Created the World Heritage Convention to identify and protect cultural and natural heritage sites of outstanding universal value.
- Established the Man and the Biosphere Programme to promote sustainable development and conservation in areas of high biodiversity.
- Organized the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to promote international cooperation in marine research.
- Promoted the understanding and preservation of cultural diversity, and has worked to protect endangered cultural heritage.
- Established the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture to provide financial assistance to cultural projects in developing countries.
- Organized the World Heritage Committee to identify and protect cultural and natural heritage sites of outstanding universal value.
- Established the International Programme for the Development of Communication to help developing countries improve their communication infrastructure and access to information.
- Worked to promote the free flow of information and the development of independent media.
- Organized the World Press Freedom Day to raise awareness of the importance of freedom of the press.
Social Sciences
- Promoted the study and understanding of social issues, and has worked to improve the lives of people around the world.
- Established the International Social Science Council to promote international cooperation in the social sciences.
- Organized the World Social Science Forum to provide a platform for dialogue and debate on social issues.