- South Carolina
- Mississippi
- Florida
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Texas
- Virginia
- Arkansas
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Mississippi
- Florida
- Alabama
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Texas
- Virginia
- Arkansas
- Tennessee
- North Carolina
Actually, we Japanese are not familiar with American history. After the war, American culture flowed in, and I am still familiar with American culture through Hollywood movies, but I dont think there are many opportunities to learn about American history. It is common sense that the first presid
In Americas 300-year history, the popularity with Theodore Roosevel is sure to be among the top five. In fact, Theodore Roosevelt is generally a high-ranking regular in the popularity polls of successive American presidents by Americans who like rankings. Lets take a look at the 26th President o
In the United States, the hero of the war often becomes president after a major war. It was George Washington after the Revolutionary War, Ulysses Grant after the Civil War, and Dwight Eisenhower after World War II. Eisenhower before becoming president Dwight Eisenhower was born in Texas
The Spanish colonization in America was characterized by the modification of the political, economic and religious structure of the societies that inhabited that territory. The Spaniards introduced a new religion, language, economic and social organization to the American continent. For their part