* Chief: The chief led the Tequesta tribe and had the final say in all decisions. As a mediator and peacemaker between families, the chief could settle conflicts and ensure the tribe's welfare.
* Medicine Man or Shaman: With herbal knowledge and connection to the spiritual world, the medicine man acted as the Tequesta tribe's healer.
* Warriors: Tequesta warriors' duties included protecting their community from invaders and conducting raids on rival tribes.
* Hunters: Men fulfilled the hunting role for their families and the broader tribe. They used bows and arrows, spears, or even traps to hunt deer, raccoons, rabbits, and other wildlife.
* Fishermen: The Tequesta tribe's location provided easy access to abundant marine life, making fishing an essential role for sustenance.
* Craftsmen: Tequesta craftsmen demonstrated notable skills in creating clothing, weapons, and tools, frequently from natural materials such as seashells and wood.
* Farmers: Despite not practicing extensive farming, the Tequesta tribe cultivated some crops like maize and squash close to their settlements.
* Traders: The Tequesta engaged in trade with other Native American tribes and also served as intermediaries between mainland tribes and the Spanish for valuable resources like tools and fabrics.
* Women's Roles: Tequesta women fulfilled multiple roles, including food gathering and preparation, childcare, pottery making, and the nurturing of fruit trees.