An ancient Greek struggling with a pig to eat. The suckling pig was cooked in different ways
Although it may seem strange and also rather disgusting, in ancient times, among every people, it was customary to bring to the table, with great satisfaction, dishes that today we would not dream of eating even under torture.
With differences due to eras, cultures and geographical areas, eating strange animals and their entrails , in past centuries, it was the norm.
Among the numerous examples in this regard, we find the dish mentioned by the Greek writer Ateneo di Naucrati, lived in the third century AD, about which we have very little information.
In his work entitled Deipnosophisti ( I learned a banquet ), he talks about an excellent half-roasted and half-boiled suckling pig (according to a culinary "fashion" in the past often and with great success) filled inside with thrushes and… chicken stomachs .
In short, stuff to make your skin crawl.