* The compass allowed Chinese sailors to navigate the open seas with greater accuracy and confidence. Prior to the compass, Chinese sailors relied on the stars and other natural landmarks for navigation, which was often unreliable and dangerous. The compass allowed them to travel much further and more efficiently, opening up new trade routes and expanding their influence.
* The Chinese used the compass to explore and map the world. The famous Chinese explorer Zheng He (1371-1433) led a series of seven voyages to the Western Ocean, reaching as far as Africa. These voyages were made possible by the Chinese mastery of the compass, which allowed them to sail the open seas without getting lost.
* The compass also helped the Chinese to defend their coastline from invaders. The Chinese navy used the compass to patrol the seas and to protect their trade routes. The compass gave them a significant advantage over their enemies, who did not have the same level of navigational technology.
* As a result of their maritime prowess, the Chinese were able to establish trade relations with many countries in Asia, Africa, and Europe. They also brought back many valuable goods, such as spices, ivory, and gold. The influx of these goods stimulated the Chinese economy and helped to make China one of the most prosperous countries in the world.