Here we are sharing ancient indian history online test, indian history online Questions in hindi, indian history mock paper in hindi , history mock question paper for upsc, online history test questions and answers, history mock test 2020, online indian history quiz with answers, history online Questions in English
Some Important Chemical Compounds Question &Answer
Indian History Mock Test Online
Q. Like the Vedic Aryans, the sacrificial fire system was followed by them?
Ans. Iranian people
Q. From which of the following Vedic Samhitas can the origin of Indian music be traced?
Ans. Samaveda
Q. What does the word 'Upanishad' literally mean?
Ans. sit close
Q. Who was the sage (Pandit) who Aryanized South India?
Ans. Agastya
Q. What is the meaning of the word 'Sangam' in the Sangam age?
Ans. Assembly of Poets
Q. What is the script of Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans. Unknown
Q. Which deity was worshiped by the people of Indus Valley Civilization?
Ans. Pashupati
Q. Aryans divided human life into four parts?
Ans. Ashram
Q. Which of the following food was among the first to be used by man?
Ans. Barley
Q. Who among the following scholars challenged the invincible Yajnavalakya in a debate?
Ans. Gargi
Today in this article we have told you about Indian History Mock Questions Online, online history questions and answers, history mock question 2020, online Indian history quiz, if you want any other information related to this then you can ask by commenting in the comment box. is.