Today in this article we are telling you about Indian History in Hindi – Post-Gupta period.
Indian History in Hindi – Some questions related to Alexander
post-Gupta period

Pushyabhuti dynasty or Vardhana dynasty
Q. Who was the founder of Pushyabhuti dynasty?
Ans. Pushyabhuti
Q. What was the capital of Pushyabhuti?
Ans. Thaneshwar
Q. Who is considered the father of the independence of Vardhana dynasty?
Ans. Prabhakar Vardhan
Q. Which ruler of the Vardhana dynasty bore the title of Parambhattaraka and Maharajadhiraja?
Ans. Prabhakar Vardhan
Q. Who killed Harshavardhana's forefather Rajyavardhan II?
Ans. Gaur Naresh Shashank
Q. Shashank was a follower of which religion?
Ans. Of Shaivism
Q. Who was the most glorious king of Pushyabhuti dynasty?
Ans. Harsh Vardhan
Q. Who defeated Shashank?
Ans. Harsh
Q. Whom did Harshavardhana make his capital?
Ans. To Kannauj
Q. The battle between Harsha and Pulakeshin-II took place on the bank of which river?
Ans. On the banks of river Narmada
Q. Who was defeated in the war between Harsha and Pulakeshin-II?
Ans. Harsh's
Q. During whose reign did the Chinese traveler Hiuen Tsang come to India?
Ans. Harshvardhan's
Q. By what other name was Harshavardhana also known?
Ans. Shiladitya
Q. For what purpose did Hiuen Tsang come to India?
Ans. Studying at Nalanda University
Q. In which year did Harsha send his envoys to China?
Ans. In 641 AD
Q. Harsha was a worshiper of which god in the beginning?
Ans. Lord Shiva and Surya
Q. To which religion did Harsha provide royalty after meeting Hiuen Tsang?
Ans. To Buddhism
Q. Which branch of Buddhism was adopted by Harsha?
Ans. To Mahayana Branch
Q. Who was the court poet of Harsha?
Ans. Banabhatta
Q. Who composed Harsh Charit and Kadambari?
Ans. Banabhatta
Q. Who composed the Sanskrit drama texts Priyadarsika, Ratnavali and Nagananda?
Ans. Harsh
Q. Who has been called the last Hindu emperor of India?
Ans. To Harsh
Q. What were the subordinate rulers of Harsha called?
Ans. Maharaj or Mahasamant
Q. What is the name of the minister of Harsha's council of ministers?
Ans. Secretary or Amatya
Q. What was Harsha's empire divided into for the convenience of administration?
Ans. In the provinces
Q. What is the province called?
Ans. Bhukti
Q. What is the ruler of each Bhukti called?
Ans. local, overhead or national
Q. What word was used for the provincial rulers in 'Harsha Charit'?
Ans. Ombudsman
Q. In whom was the division of Bhukti done?
Ans. In Districts
Q. What is the head of the district called?
Ans. Subject
Q. What was the smallest unit of government?
Ans. Village
Q. What was the head of village government called?
Ans. Village Board
Q. What were the officers of the police department called?
Ans. Punishment and Punishment
Q. What were the officers of the cavalry called?
Ans. Brihadeshwar
Q. What are infantry officers called?
Ans. Baladhikrit or Mahabaladhikrit
Q. Who is mentioned in Harsha Charita as a means of irrigation?
Ans. Weigher (Water Pump)
Q. What was Mathura famous for at the time of Harsha?
Ans. For the manufacture of cotton fabrics
Q. Which person is called the second Ashoka?
Ans. Harsh Vardhan
Q. Who is called Sakalottarapathnath?
Ans. To Harshvardhan
Q. With whom was Harsh Vardhan's sister Rajyashree married?
Ans. From Maukhari Naresh Grihavarma
Q. Harsh Vardhan established the Harsha Samvat in 606 AD to commemorate what?
Ans. In celebration of his accession
Q. Where did Harsh Vardhan organize two great religious conferences?
Ans. Of Kannauj and Prayag
Q. Which ruler defeated Gujjar?
Ans. Harsh Vardhan
Q. What is the main reason for remembering Hiuen Tsang in India?
Ans. Composition of Si- U- Ki-
Q. Which Chinese traveler is called the 'present Shakya Muni' and the prince among travelers?
Ans. Hiuen Tsang Ko
Q. Approximately how many years did Hiuen Tsang live in India?
Ans. 14 years
Q. Where did Harshavardhana organize the Mahasabha in 643 AD for the honor of Hiuen Tsang and for the promotion of Mahayana DHRM?
Ans. In Kannauj
Q. Who is credited with starting the Kumbh Mela?
Ans. To Harshvardhan
Q. The people of India are hot tempered, they get angry quickly but are honest, whose statement is this?
Ans. Hiuen Tsang's
Q. What was the tax-free land grant given to Brahmins called?
Ans. Agrahara
Q. What was the extent of land revenue during Harsha's time?
Ans. 1/6 to 1/10
Q. Who was the founder of Rashtrakuta dynasty?
Ans. Dantidurga
Q. When did Dantidurga establish the Rashtrakuta dynasty?
Ans. 752 AD
Q. What was the capital of Rashtrakuta dynasty?
Ans. Mikar or Manyakhet
Q. Which Rashtrakuta ruler built the famous Kailash temple at Ellora?
Ans. Krishna I
Q. Which Rashtrakuta ruler took part in the tripartite struggle to capture Kanauj?
Ans. Dhruv has
Q. Who defeated Pratihara king Vatsaraja and Pala king Dharampal?
Ans. Dhruv has
Q. What other names is Dhruv also known by?
Ans. Section Year
Q. Who defeated the union of Pallava, Pandya, Kerala and Ganga rulers?
Ans. Govind-III
Q. Amogha Varsha was a follower of which religion?
Ans. Of Jainism
Q. Who composed Kaviraj Marg in Kannada?
Ans. Happy Years
Q. Who composed the Adi Purana?
Ans. Jinsen
Q. Who composed the Ganitsaar collection?
Ans. Mahaviracharya
Q. Who composed Amoghavrit?
Ans. Saktayana
Q. How did Amogh Varsha end his life?
Ans. Taking water tomb in Tungabhadra river
Q. During whose reign Arab resident Alansudi came to India?
Ans. During the reign of Indra-III
Q. Who was the last great ruler of Rashtrakuta dynasty?
Ans. Krishna-III
Q. Who composed Shanti Purana?
Ans. Pon ne
Q. In whose time the Elephanta Cave Temples were built?
Ans. National Codes
Q. How many caves are there in Ellora?
Ans. 34
Q. Caves number 1 to 12 are related to?
Ans. From Buddhists
Q. Caves number 13 to 29 are related to?
Ans. From Hindus
Q. What is Gaufen related to the numbers 30 to 34?
Ans. From Jains
Q. In whose court did Kannada language poet Ponn live?
Ans. Krishna-III
Today in this article we have given you Indian History in Hindi – Post-Gupta Period, Questions of Post-Gupta Period, Post-Gupta Period, History of Post-Gupta Period, Post-Gupta Period India, Post-Gupta Dynasty, The answer to the questions related to the objective question on the Gupta period has been told, if you want any other information related to it, then you can also ask by commenting in the comment box.