The Egyptians also believed that the pharaoh was a direct descendant of Atum and that he had the power to create and maintain order in the universe. The pharaoh's role was to keep the forces of chaos at bay and to ensure the prosperity of Egypt.
The Egyptians also believed that the pharaoh was a direct descendant of Atum and that he had the power to create and maintain order in the universe. The pharaoh's role was to keep the forces of chaos at bay and to ensure the prosperity of Egypt.
The Knights of the Temple in novels, series, movies and video games are usually portrayed as power and wealth-hungry black characters. And what the truth looked like, you can find out by reading the book by Dan Jones, The Templars. The Rise and Fall of the Order of Holy Warriors ”, which is a prize
The Conquest of Ceuta took place in 1415 and symbolizes the beginning of Portuguese overseas expansion. The objective of the Crown, driven by the bourgeoisie, was to seize the city that received the caravans of Moors that transported gold, ivory, spices and slaves. Portuguese Maritime Expansion W
Desert Fox wrote about them in his journals. Conditions determined by most soldiers as hell were their everyday life. In order to reach their destination, they only needed a solar compass, a stopwatch and maps of pre-war travelers. They replaced the damaged oil pan with a can of canned food, and in
Sub-Saharan Africa is the political-geographical term applied to describe the countries of the African continent located in the region south of the Sahara desert. It is one of the poorest regions in the world with high rates of infant mortality, illiteracy and low life expectancy. Countries Sub