Millennium History

Historical story

  • Social inequality

    Social inequality is the distance that separates the richest social classes from the poorest. This is a problem faced on a large scale in Brazil and in the world. The term social inequality It is a sociological and economic concept that designates the difference between social classes. Inequality c

  • Democracy

    Democracy is, in general, political power distributed to the people, but several nuances circumvent this complex term in our days. The democracy emerged in Ancient Greece , around 5th century BC . The meaning of the term, when translated from ancient Greek, is power (kratos ) of the people (demos )

  • Where does the English of England come from?

    When we speak in traditional English it is common to think of British English. But the English language comes from much earlier and has undergone several changes, after all, as much as we know Romeo and Juliet, the same English that Shakespeare spoke is no longer spoken. Languages ​​change and vary

  • Run after the cow, or catch her in the fridge?

    As much as we dont realize it, the history of man on this Earth is at least 3 million years old, countless generations have survived until we get to the present day. The oldest city is around 10 thousand years old, and more than that the stories that these men wrote on walls, still without words. S

  • Tale about peasants in the Middle Ages

    In most peasant tales of the Middle Ages, the main object of desire was food. One example is a version of the Cinderella tale that became known as Little Anette. During the European Middle Ages , the peasant population was subjected to servitude , a form of work in which the serfs (peasants) had no

  • How did the first deodorants come about?

    The invention of the first deodorant took place in the 19th century, but the concern with the terrible odor of the armpits already permeated the daily life of ancient civilizations. When we study the colonization process of the Americas, we know that Europeans believed that native peoples were leag

  • Five diseases that marked the history of humanity

    The history of mankind is marked by diseases that affected societies at different times and left deep marks on them because of the number of dead. The spread of many diseases was a catalyst for significant transformations and encouraged scientific development with the aim of combating them and ensur

  • Cities in Antiquity

    The first known cities were built in approximately 4,000 BC. near the Euphrates River, in Mesopotamia, to take advantage of the fertile lands that surrounded it, thus, they planted from time to time, as civilizations were seminomadic. The purpose of the creation of cities was to have power in the ha

  • Santo Daime tea

    Santo Daime tea, also known as ayahuasca, caapi, yajé and vinho de Deus, has an interesting history in America, marked by religious syncretism and persecution. Because tea has been produced for a long time, from Santo Daime appears in the history of different cultures and religions, taking on othe

  • Marriage, a Christian Invention

    The indissoluble union, celebrated by a sacrament, replaced old customs of polygamy, causing a great change in European habits. In 392, Christianity was proclaimed the official religion. Between 965 and 1008 the kings of Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Norway and Sweden were baptized. Philip of

  • Cannibalism of the Tupinambás

    The Tupinambá Indians became famous for a peculiar practice:the cannibalism they practiced in their rituals. Among the indigenous tribes that lived in Brazil at the time of the beginning of Portuguese colonization, in the 16th century, the Tupinambas became widely known for a peculiar characteristi

  • Cannibalism

    Cannibalism, so condemned for ethical and moral issues contemporaries, was a habit existing throughout history. Far from an old connotation that associates the consumption of human flesh with some type of religious ritual, cannibalism is a practice with different motivations and characteristics over

  • Brief history of bread

    The history of bread, which over time has become the most popular food in the world, goes back to Mesopotamia 6,000 years ago. By Tales PintoCurrently, the bread it is the most popular food in the world, being produced in almost all societies. However, it wasnt always made the same way and didnt alw

  • Big Ben – Origin of the name

    There are two speculations about the origin of the name of Big Bens bell, both referring to two personalities from England. By Me. Cláudio FernandesThe origin from name bell Big Ben , which is located in the Clock Tower, at the seat of the English Parliament, dates back to the second half of the 1

  • The religious lines of Brazil

    In recent years in Brazil, the multiplication of Protestant churches has reduced the number of Catholics. In some of these churches, rituals are developed that are based on greater proximity between God and the faithful. Based on a simplification of Christian principles and the reduction of theologi

  • The exploits of Archimedes

    The Greek genius who shone in physics and mathematics If there was a contest to choose the greatest genius of all time, the Greek Archimedes (287-212 or 211 BC) would be a very serious contender. His father had been an astronomer of little importance in the history of science, named Phidias, but wh

  • Children's book covers

    A famous popular saying advises us never to judge a book by its cover. However, in the world of childrens literature this maxim cannot be taken literally. After all, the current competition over this “small” audience encourages publishers to seek ever more creative and innovative solutions. In addit

  • Classical Liberal Arts

    The Classical Liberal Arts, divided into Trivium and Quadrivium, were the main model of education in Classical Antiquity and the Middle Ages. By Me. Cláudio FernandesThe so-called “Arts Liberals Classics ”, or “As Seven Arts Liberals ”, constituted the model of education during antiquity classical

  • Saint Augustine's Theology of History

    St. Augustines theology of history follows his critique of the classical conception of time and is shaped by Christian doctrine. Augustine of Hippo (354-430) , better known as Holy Augustine , was one of the most notorious Christian theologians and philosophers in history. It was at the center of

  • The first hereditary captaincy of Brazil

    The first hereditary captaincy that Brazil had was Fernando de Noronha. The islands were discovered by Gonçalo Coelho in 1503. In 1504, D.Manuel I established the division of the Brazilian colony into hereditary captaincies and then donated the archipelago to Fernão de Noronha, navigator and trader

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