Historical story

Does cold turkey withdrawal from narcotics ever in people with exceptionally poor health actually lead to death?

While cold turkey withdrawal from narcotics can be dangerous and cause severe symptoms, the risks of fatal outcomes specifically due to poor health are highly unlikely. The majority of fatalities associated with withdrawal occur due to co-occurring medical conditions, long-term substance abuse, respiratory depression from certain drugs, and accidental injuries or risky behaviors rather than poor health alone.

That being said, individuals with underlying health conditions,尤其是患有心血管疾病或呼吸系统疾病的人,可能更容易受到戒断症状的影响,包括心律失常、呼吸急促或癫痫发作等。在极少数情况下,如果在戒断期间没有适当的医疗护理和支持,这些并发症可能会危及生命。
