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Are store employees responsible for calling 911?

Yes, store employees are responsible for calling 911 in certain situations. Here are some instances when store employees may need to call 911:

1. Medical Emergencies: If a customer or employee experiences a medical emergency such as a heart attack, stroke, or severe injury, store employees should call 911 immediately.

2. Robbery or Theft: In case of a robbery or theft, store employees should contact the police by calling 911. They should provide as much information as possible, including a description of the suspect and any available surveillance footage.

3. Shoplifting: While shoplifting may not always warrant a 911 call, store employees should follow their company's policies regarding shoplifting incidents. Some stores may require employees to call the police for any shoplifting attempt, while others may handle the situation internally or contact the police only in specific circumstances.

4. Fights or Altercations: If a physical altercation or fight occurs on the store premises, store employees should call 911 to ensure the safety of customers and employees.

5. Suspicious Behavior: If store employees notice any suspicious behavior that may indicate a potential threat to the store or its patrons, they should contact the police by calling 911. This could include individuals attempting to enter restricted areas, loitering in a suspicious manner, or engaging in unusual activities.

6. Natural Disasters: In the event of a natural disaster such as a fire, flood, or earthquake, store employees should call 911 to report the incident and seek emergency assistance.

It's important for store employees to be trained on their company's policies and procedures regarding emergency situations. They should know when and how to call 911 and what information to provide to the emergency dispatcher. The safety of customers and employees should always be a top priority.