Cheeses and other dairy products on a table set a few centuries ago
In the Renaissance, in reference to diet, there was a boom of cheeses and dairy products generally.
The trend compared to the Middle Ages it changed completely.
In fact, at that time, cheese was considered a food for the poor, while the rich used it more to embellish dishes than as a food in itself.
From the 1400s on, everything changed:cheeses and dairy products were "ennobled", acquiring a "dignity" hitherto unknown.
This is how they also made their appearance on the tables of the wealthiest.
But which were the favorite cheeses in Italy?
Platina informs us of this, considered the greatest chef of the Renaissance (see
He writes: “contend for primacy [as for appreciation] the marzolino, which is made in Tuscany in the month of March, and the parmesan of the Cisalpine regions, which can also be called maggengo, from the month of May ".
The March and Parmesan therefore, two cheeses that are very popular even today.
In addition to them, butter was also widely used and accepted and cream, called the latter "milk skin" , used both for the preparation of savory dishes and for desserts.