Bust of Lorenzo de Medici
Lorenzo de Medici he was a passionate man.
If his youth was marked by a series of more or less important relationships, the best known of which is the one with Lucrezia Donati, the maturity was not far behind.
In reality, it seems that the great patron, although at first he only contracted a political marriage with Clarice Orsini ( see https://www.pilloledistoria.it/6075/storia-moderna/nozze-magnifiche-lorenzo-magnifico), later managed to establish a relationship of mutual respect and trust with her.
Left a widower early and with several dependent children, however, the Magnificent did not resign himself to chastity.
Here is what Francesco Guicciardini writes about the latest flame of him:
"Her last love, and which lasted many years, was in Bartolomea de 'Nasi, wife of Donato Benci in whom, although she was not curvy, but manner and kind, she was so panicked, that a vernata that she he stayed in the villa, he left Florence at five or six hours at night in the post office with several companions and went to visit her, nevertheless leaving at such time that the morning before he was in Florence ".
In short, apparently, Lorenzo de Medici's fiery nature got the better of the cold, the disease (he suffered from gout or acromegaly. See https://www. Osservatoriomalattierare.it/acromegalia/12445-lorenzo-il-magnifico-soffriva-di-acromegalia) and on marriage ties (of others).