An ancient image of Florence. In the Medici era, the most famous tavern in the city was that of the "Snail"
The book by Jean-Lucas Dubreton Daily life in Florence at the time of the Medici , constitutes a precious mine of interesting information on the main aspects of Florentine everyday life in the moment of maximum splendor of the city, which as everyone knows, occurred between the 15th and 16th centuries, coinciding with the power of the Medici.
The author, among other things, informs us that at the time, in the heart of Florence, there were a large number of hotels and taverns and that the latter, in particular, were very popular with men.
The Snail Tavern , located near the Old Market, was one of the best known and every evening was filled with people rather coarse and addicted to the habit of alcohol ; in short, this place, in general, was full of drunkards, but not only.
The merchants, at the time the greatest and rich expression of the city bourgeoisie, when the family was in the countryside and they were not invited by friends, they ate here and, usually, they returned home only to sleep (I information from Jean-Lucas Dubreton , Daily life in Florence at the time of the Medici , BUR - Rizzoli) .