Historical story

"Cesso":why is the Cabinet also called So?

Ancient toilet

“Cess” is a word that we all know and use not only to vulgarly define the bathroom, but also as a synonym for something (or someone) that we find unpleasant.

Well, have you ever wondered where this term comes from?

Do you know what its origin is?

In reality, there is nothing negative at the base.

The word "toilet" simply derives from the Latin secessus, or “secluded” , and initially referred to the location of the toilets, which in ancient times stood in places as isolated as possible.

Therefore a name of absolutely neutral origin, which however over time has expanded and partly modified its meaning, which has become substantially derogatory.

See also :https://www.pilloledistoria.it/9918/storicontemporanea/900-nel-bagno-arriva-la-vasca-moderna ( Photo from :besidebathrooms).