(FRANCO JÚNIOR, Hilário. Feudalism. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1983, p. 9)
Based on the text above, it is correct to say about Feudalism in the High Middle Ages that :
A) feudal society was rural and clericalized and political power was fragmented.
B) the struggles between bourgeois and salaried workers impeded social and political stability.
C) the disturbances caused famine and plague strengthened the power of the feudal nobility.
D) the feudal world was marked by monarchical centralization and slave labor.
E) the barbarian invasions caused the emergence of heresies, provoking religious wars.
Question 02 - FDF 2017 - “The different mental traditions bequeathed to the men of the High Middle Ages oscillate between contempt and appreciation of work.” Jacques LeGoff. To another Middle Ages. Petrópolis:Vozes, 2013, p. 140. Among the types of work that, in the High Middle Ages, were despised and those that were valued, we can cite, respectively,
(A) political indoctrination and the preaching of religious to the infidels.
(B) the forging of the nobles' weapons and the copying of ancient manuscripts.
(C) the cultivation of lands and the jewelery developed by artisans.
(D) the contemplative life of the monks and the military training for combat.
Question 03 - FATEC - 2015/2 - Read an excerpt from one of the versions of the legend O País da Cocanha, widespread among medieval peasants.
Welcome to Cocanha, which no other land can match. Here good things abound, without anyone needing to sow in order to reap. There is never winter or frost, never drought or hunger. And no lord comes to rob our barns or devastate our crops. Come, you will be my guest! (MASSARDIER, G. Tales and legends from medieval Europe São Paulo:Companhia das Letras. 2002. pp.27 35.)
Dreaming of a place where there was plenty of food, these workers expressed a constant concern in their lives:hunger. About the conditions of production and distribution of food in the High Middle Ages, it is correct to say that
a) European peasants had little disposition for manual work, preferring the collection of low wild fruits, which resulted in low agricultural productivity and the consequent fear of famine.
b) the fear of famine was constant, because European soils were unsuitable for the cultivation of agricultural products, which forced medieval man to adopt a diet based on the consumption of game meat. which, in turn, was rare.
c) hunger, in the High Middle Ages, was caused by the religious fervor of the peasants, who, encouraged by the authorities of the Catholic Church, adopted fasting and self-flagellation as a form of sacrifice in exchange for the salvation of their souls.
d) the development of extensive monoculture of sugarcane in medieval Europe occupied all productive lands, and peasants did not have land where they could work in subsistence crops. e) Medieval peasants were subject to famine because the cold and wet climate, floods and precarious equipment made it difficult to grow grain and, in addition, they had to hand over part of the production to landlords, as payment of taxes.
Question 04 - UFPR - 2018 - PM-PR - Read the excerpt below, taken from a letter written between 830 and 840 by the Frankish aristocrat Eginhardo, in favor of peasants:
To our very dear friend, the glorious Count Hatton, Eginhardo, eternal greetings from the Lord. One of your servants, named Hun, came to the church of the holy martyrs Marcellin and Peter to ask for mercy* for the fault he committed in contracting marriage without your consent [...]. We come, therefore, to ask your kindness, that you may be lenient towards this man on our behalf, if you think that his fault can be forgiven. I wish you good health with the grace of the Lord. (Letters by Eginhardo. Translation by Ricardo da Costa. Extracts from medieval documents on the peasantry (5th-15th centuries).
Available at:
This document is part of which social, political and economic system prevails in this context? a) Feudalism, characterized by the ruralization of the economy, by the manorial relationship between nobles and serfs and by the social and political action of the Catholic Church.
b) Mercantilism, characterized by the urbanization of the economy, the manorial relationship between nobles and peasants and the social and political action of the Protestant Church.
c) Socialism, characterized by the ruralization of the economy, by the remunerated relationship between nobles and servants and by the cultural and political action of the Christian Church.
d) Mercantilism, characterized by urbanization of the economy, by the peasant relationship between nobles and vassals and by the social and political action of the Orthodox Church.
e) Feudalism, characterized by the urbanization of the economy, by the agrarian relationship between the clergy and the serfs and by the social and cultural performance of the Christian Church.
Question 05 - CEPERJ - 2013 - SEDUC-RJ - There was, at the beginning of the High Middle Ages, an important change in the social and educational history of the West. This change made a new space for spiritual and cultural formation fixed, which ended up giving rise to a characteristic model of Christian culture, which, at the same time, became heir to the classical tradition and stimulator of solitary reflection and reading. Roughly speaking, we can say that a first model of “Christian school” emerges, with initiatives such as those of Benedict of Nursia (480-547). It is a reference to the following historical event:
A) the emergence of lay schools
B) the emergence of the temporal clergy
C) the emergence of monasticism
D) the destruction of monasteries
E) the birth of medieval fairs
Question 06 - UNICAMP 1st Phase - There are more or less constant complaints from bishops and clerics about the maintenance of pagan practices until at least the 10th century. that survived for a long time. (Adapted from Michel Rouche, "High Western Middle Ages", in Paul Veyne (ed.), History of private life:from the Roman Empire to the thousandth year. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras, 2009, p.504.) Tick the alternative correct.
a) The criticism of the institutionalization of the Church, with the consolidation of the hierarchy around the pope and the bishops, had its main manifestation in the maintenance of pagan practices.
b) The pagan practices were customs of popular origin respected by religious orders, such as the Benedictines, but criticized by the bishops and the traditional clergy.
c) The diversity of religious practices was frequent in the High Middle Ages, despite the institutional efforts of the high Catholic clergy to combat the beliefs and defend religious unity in Europe.
d) The presence of Christianity did not mean the disappearance of all religious practices considered pagan, as some of them were tolerated by the Church, such as the Sabbath and popular festivals.
Quest 07 - UFRN 2012 - Facing great difficulties since the 3rd century, the Western Roman Empire was fragmented after the invasions of barbarian peoples and, in this territory, new societies were formed. Historians consider this period as a new phase in the history of the so-called Western Europe:the High Middle Ages, marked mainly
A) by the centralized power in the hands of the kings, guaranteeing the stability of the new States that were formed.
>B) by the Christian religion, which favored the mixture of Roman and Germanic cultural elements.
C) by the prosperity of cities, places preferred by the Germanic peoples to settle.
D) by the predominance of the slave regime, which supported a dynamic commercial economy.
Question 08 - UTFPR 2008 - Summer - 1st exam - “The social formations of Western European feudalism were constituted within the ruins of the Roman imperial-tributary formation. This transformation was not provoked by a “deep and sudden” social and political revolution, led by a social class, but resulted from the defeat of the Roman Empire, incapable of sustaining its borders and territories gradually mined by invading peoples.” (SALINAS, Samuel S. From feudalism to capitalism:transitions. São Paulo:Atual, 1988, p. 15)
Based on the text above, we can mark it as INCORRECT in relation to the High Middle Ages:
A) Decline of urban life.
B) Rigid social hierarchy.
C) Economic activities turned to the production of goods destined for exchanges with the East.
D) Decentralization of political power around feudal lords.
E) Importance of the work of serfs, responsible for the material subsistence of everyone in feudal society.
Question 09 - UESPI 2011 - The first barbarian invasions caused disruption to the Romans' dominion. The period known as the High Middle Ages began. During this period:A) Christianity suffered a strong shock, being radically despised by the invaders. B) feudalism began to gain ground, with the dismantling of the Western Roman Empire. C) the political unity of the Romans was preserved, changing only the patterns of their social hierarchy. D) the increasing political instability provoked decentralizations in the less powerful European kingdoms. E) the administration of Rome was modified, without, however, signifying the victory of the invaders.
INTRODUCTION 01 - A02 - C03 - E
04 - A
05 - C
06 - C
07 - B
08 - C09 - B