(Consesp-adapted) In the Middle Ages society was deeply dominated by religiosity and mysticism, in the common imagination the emergence of diseases and epidemics was interpreted as the result of divine wrath , for human sins. However, during this period there was a lack of hygiene, of treated water and of a sewage system, which caused outbreaks of epidemics that killed thousands of people.
During this period one of the biggest epidemic outbreaks occurred, known as:
a) H1N1 Influenza Outbreak.
b) Black Death.
c) Spanish Flu.
d) Smallpox Focus.
e) Plague of Athens
question 2The conflict between the English and the French from 1337 to 1453 became known as:
a) Albigensian Crusade.
b) Thirty Years' War.
c) Peasant War.
d) Hundred Years' War.
e) Norman War.
question 3(Consesp-adapted) Feudalism was an economic, political, social and cultural organization based on land tenure, which predominated in Western Europe during the Middle Ages.
Society in feudalism was called estate society because it was made up of
a) tight social layers.
b) castes.
c) city-states.
d) tribes.
e) feuds.
question 4(Itame) Consider the texts.
“When it comes to combat, it's embarrassing for the boss that they exceed him in value and shameful for the companions not to match that boss's value. It is even infamy (…) to emerge from combat by surviving your boss:the first duty is to defend him, protect him (…); fight for victory, for the boss (fight) the comrades.”
“The priest, having come into contact with Clovis, led him little by little and secretly to believe in the true God, creator of Heaven and Earth, and to renounce the idols, which could not be of any help to him or anyone else […].
The king, having therefore confessed an almighty God in the Trinity, was baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and anointed with holy Confirmation with the sign of the cross . More than three thousand men of his army were likewise baptized [...].”
St. Gregory of Tours. The conversion of Clovis. Historiae Ecclesiasticae Francorum. Apud PEDRERO-SÁNCHES, M.G., History of the Middle Ages. Texts and witnesses. SP:Ed. Unesp, 2000, p. 44-45.
The texts reveal elements of German and Roman culture present in feudalism. They are, respectively, the
a) comitatus and Christianity.
b) settlement and Roman law.
c) customary law and the army.
d) the beneficium and appreciation of the monarch.
e) clientele and inquisition
question 5When did the term “Middle Ages” come about?
a) Crusades
b) Great Schism
c) Rebirth
d) Inquisition
e) Lutheran Reformation
question 6The Carolingian Empire was the first major empire that emerged in Western Europe after the Roman Empire. Between the 8th and 9th centuries, this empire lived a period of heyday that was led by:
a) Cucumber the Brief.
b) Carlos Martel.
c) Carloman I.
d) Charlemagne.
e) Childeric III.
question 7(Consulplan-adapted) “Social class that emerged in the last centuries of the Middle Ages (around the twelfth and thirteenth centuries) with the commercial and urban renaissance. It was dedicated to the trade of goods (clothes, spices, jewelry, etc.) and the provision of services (financial activities). They inhabited the burgos, which were small cities protected by walls. As they were rich people, who worked with money, they were not well regarded by the members of the Catholic clergy.”
This class became known as:
a) dalits.
b) nobility.
c) bourgeoisie.
d) peasants.
e) servants.
question 8The Crusades were one of the great events of the Middle Ages, marking the break between the Christian West and the Muslim East. The First Crusade was called by:
a) Pope Alexander VI.
b) Pope Leo X.
c) Pope Julius III.
d) Pope Urban II.
e) Pope Innocent V.
question 9When we refer to the Hanseatic League, we are referring to:
a) a defense pact that was carried out by the cities of the Holy Roman Empire.
b) a religious alliance to expel Jews from Flemish lands.
c) a secret agreement between a Germanic and a Danish monarch.
d) a jousting competition that took place in Amsterdam.
e) a commercial alliance made by cities in northern Europe.
question 10The event that sealed the end of the Middle Ages, chronologically speaking, was:
a) Conquest of Constantinople.
b) Hundred Years' War.
c) Lutheran Reformation.
d) Black Death.
e) Inquisition.
question 11The Great Navigations began in the late Middle Ages. The milestone that started these explorations of the Atlantic Ocean was:
a) the discovery of Iceland.
b) the outline of the Cape of Good Hope.
c) the conquest of Ceuta.
d) outline of Cape Bojador.
e) the discovery of the Azores.
question 12Which emperor was responsible for bringing his empire to the greatest extent in the history of the Byzantine Empire?
a) Aleixo II
b) Justinian I
c) Constantine X
d) Teodoro I
e) Zeno I
answers Question 1LETTER B
The first major outbreak of the Black Death took place between 1447 and 1453, arrived on the Mediterranean coast and spread across the European continent. It was caused by a bacterium (Yersinia pestis ) found in the fleas of infected rats and was responsible for the death of up to 2/3 of the European population, something close to 50 million people.
Question 2The Hundred Years' War was a dynastic conflict that involved the Plantagenet dynasty of England and the Valois dynasty of France. The conflict lasted for 116 years, causing great economic damage to both countries. The French managed to win this conflict, securing their monarchy and expelling the British from numerous territories.
Question 3LETER A
Feudal society was considered to be estates, because the possibility of social ascension was almost non-existent. Marked by having stagnant social strata, those who were born serfs were very likely to remain serfs throughout their lives. The ecclesiastical career was the only one that brought any possibility (very limited, it is true) of social ascension.
Question 4LETER A
The comitato was an expression that was used to exemplify the code of loyalty and fidelity that existed between a Germanic warrior and his chief. Warriors did everything to ensure their leader's protection. The second text speaks of the conversion of Clovis, king of the Franks, to Christianity, and the chief's loyal relationship with his subjects, which led to their conversion.
Question 5LETTER C
The term “Middle Ages” began to be structured during the development of Renaissance culture. Renaissance intellectuals saw themselves as modern and understood themselves to be defenders of the classical tradition that existed in antiquity. Thus, the period that separated their time from the exalted Classical Antiquity began to be seen as “average time”.
Question 6LETER D
Charlemagne was king of the Carolingians from 768 until the year of his death, 814. He was the most successful Carolingian king in history, his reign being the longest period of free borders. It was during the reign of Charlemagne that what became known as feudalism was structured.
Question 7LETER C
The bourgeoisie was the social class that emerged as a consequence of the commercial and urban renaissance of the Middle Ages. Commercial and urban growth ensured the development of European cities, which began to expand through the burgos, places that brought together the new inhabitants and the new businesses that were developing. Soon, the bourgeois established themselves as great authorities in the cities.
Question 8LETER D
Pope Urban II was responsible for calling the First Crusade in 1095 during the Council of Clermont. This happened after the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I asked for help in the war against the Turks. Urban II saw in the Crusades an opportunity to renew relations with the Christian Church of the East and to divert the violence of the European nobility away from the continent and against a common enemy.
Question 9LETTER E
The Hanseatic League was a trade alliance that existed between northern European cities. This league was established in the 12th century and contained dozens of cities. Through this league, a series of goods were exported through an axis that ran from London, England, to Novgorod, Russia.
Question 10LETER A
The conquest of Constantinople, an event that took place in 1453, was an event that sealed the end of the Byzantine Empire and was established by historians as a milestone for the end of the Middle Ages. The Byzantine city was conquered after a weeks-long siege led by Mehmet II, leader of the Ottomans.
Question 11LETER C
The conquest of Ceuta, in 1419, was stipulated by historians as a milestone that inaugurated the Great Navigations of Portugal, a pioneer country in this process. The objectives behind this conquest were to guarantee access to the gold of the Arab markets and to maintain contact with the mythical kingdom of Prester John so that a war against the Muslims could be started.
Question 12LETER B
Justinian I was Byzantine Emperor from 527 to 565. He was responsible for taking the Byzantine Empire to its greatest territorial extent, conquering territories in North Africa, the Italian Peninsula and the Peninsula Iberian. Justinian I also promoted some administrative reforms in the Byzantine Empire, highlighting the Justinian Code.