(Fuvest) The "Investiture Quarrel" was a conflict between:
a) the Popes and Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire.
b) feudal lords and knights.
c) the religious orders and the Patriarchs of Constantinople.
d) the monks of Cluny and Pope Gregory VII.
e) the Ghibellines and Emperor Henry IV.
question 2(Pucsp) Feudal society was by status and politically fragmented. The following ceremonial, representative of the relationship established between nobles, determined the conditions for the donation of fiefs, placing even the king within this system of reciprocity:
"On the 7th of the Ides of April, Thursday, homage was paid to the Count; which was carried out according to the forms determined for the rendering of faith and fidelity, according to the following order First of all, they paid homage like this:the count asked the future vassal if he wanted to become his man without reservation, and he replied:
- 'I want him', - then, with their hands clasped between the count's, they allied themselves for a kiss. Secondly, he who had paid homage pledged his faith (...) and, thirdly, he swore this upon the relics of the saints.
Then, with the rod he had in his hand, the count gave them investiture (the symbolic possession of the manor), to all who had just paid him homage, to promise him allegiance and swearing an oath." (Gilbert of Bruges, "History da death of Carlos , the Good, Count of Flanders", in FREITAS, Gustavo de. 900 TEXTS AND DOCUMENTS OF HISTORY, vol. 4521 I, Lisbon, Plátano.)
The ceremonial described:
a) established a network of loyalties between the different strata of medieval society, contributing to monarchical centralization.
b) delimited rights and obligations between nobility, clergy and people.
c) established the conditions for entry into the category of nobles, enabling social ascension.
d) prescribed the conditions for the donation of fiefs, establishing a hierarchy from the economic point of view, contributing to the strengthening of royal power.
e) established a hierarchy from the military point of view, within a system of reciprocity, including obligations of fidelity and protection, which constituted the reward.
question 3Read the following text:
“Another important issue was the dispute between Frederick and Pope Alexander III (temporal power vs. spiritual power) — which had its origins in the Question of Investments — a great crisis that devastated the relations between the Empire and the Papacy, and, indeed, between the Church and the European Monarchies in general, in the period from 1075 to 1122 (Investiture — physical act of investing a cleric with the insignia of office).” (COSTA, Ricardo da. For a mythological geography:the medieval legend of Prester John, his permanence, transference and “death”. In:History 9. Journal of the UFERS History Department . Vitória:EDUFES, 2001, p. 53-64 (ISSN 1517-2120)
What happened in the year 1122 to put an end to the “Investiture Question” or the “Investiture Quarrel”?
a) Resolution of Paris, signed between Pope Gregory the Great and King Charlemagne.
b) Concordat of Rotterdan, signed between Erasmus of Rotterdan and Martin Luther.
c) Potsdam Agreement, signed between Charles V and Pope Benedict V.
d) Concordat of Worms, signed between Pope Callistus II and the Holy Roman Emperor Henry V.
e) Baskerville Agreement, signed between Henry VIII and Pope Leo X.
question 4The act of “investing”, in the medieval context, consisted exactly of:
a) invest in the production of the peasantry.
b) to invest, that is, to put noble robes on a peasant.
c) assign vassal peasants the status of lords of manors.
d) assign clergy functions to warrior aristocrats.
e) appoint clerics to ecclesiastical offices, placing upon them ("investing") the insignia of such office, and assign the donation of fiefs among nobles.
answers Question 1Letter A
The conflict between popes and emperors took place precisely because of the function of "Investing", that is, granting the positions to the spiritual power - that is, to the members of the Church -, placing on these the insignia that characterized them.
Question 2Letter E
Gilbert of Bruges describes a ceremonial that represents reciprocity between nobles, who derived from the military aristocracies. The staff used by the count symbolized the sword (or spear) that the king used to “sanctify” the noble positions in his knights.
Question 3Letter D
The Worms Concordat was the solution found to solve the problems arising from the function of appointing members of the clergy to positions such as that of bishop. The dispute for this function was fought between the Pope and the emperor enthroned as head of the Holy Roman Empire. With the concordat, also called Pactum Calixtium , the emperor came to have the power to “invest” bishops to administer lands, with the secular symbolic ritual of the spear, and not with the ecclesiastical symbolic authority, which used the ring and the staff.
Question 4Letter E
“Investing”, or “the act of investiture”, meant, in the medieval context, assigning a position to someone through a symbolic ritual. This was done between clerics and nobles. Each had, in his class, the power to invest powers over land tenure and administrative functions.