(UNIR/RO) The Constitution of 1937 established that:"Professional pre-vocational education aimed at the less favored classes is, in terms of education, the first duty of the State. to this duty, founding institutes of professional education and subsidizing those on the initiative of States, Municipalities and individuals or private and professional associations". (CAMPANHOLE, Adriano &CAMPANHOLE, Hilton Lobo. Constitutions of Brazil. São Paulo:Atlas, 1981).
From the knowledge and analysis of the text of the Constitution, it is possible to affirm that the educational policy of the Estado Novo:
a) recognizes the universal right to access education and the democratic practice of providing all citizens with an education based on the principles of social equality.
b) can be considered democratic, since the decisions related to school education resulted from the wide discussion that the government had with educators.
c) provided for the creation of a public, egalitarian and permanent educational system for Brazilian citizens regardless of their status in the social structure.
d) took a qualitative leap by determining that the State had a duty to guarantee the right to quality public education for all children, youth and adults in the country.
e) institutionalized a prejudiced view that reinforced the differences between intellectual and manual work, a separation that marked social relations since the time of slavery.
question 2The Federal Constitution of 1937 consolidated Vargas' Estado Novo, which maintained an authoritarian power structure until its last year, in 1945. This Constitution was known at the time as "Polish", because:
a) legalized prostitution in Brazil (prostitutes were known as “Polacas” at that time).
b) took into account Polish immigration policy to Brazil.
c) included in its articles the creation of a Polish State in the territory of Rio Grande do Sul.
d) resembled the Polish Constitution of 1935, which contained an authoritarian bias.
e) prevented Catholic Poles from settling in Brazil.
question 3(UFPE) Living democracy was the desire of many political groups existing in Brazil in the 1930s. However, the government of Getúlio Vargas followed other paths, facing oppositions. With the 1937 Constitution, Getúlio Vargas:
a) further centralized political power, establishing authoritarianism.
b) sought to modernize society, multiplying political parties.
c) redrafted union legislation, guaranteeing workers' claims.
d) strengthened liberal norms, without, however, abandoning its centralizing power.
e) brought more advanced social ideas, imitating European models.
question 4Unlike the vast majority of modern democratic constitutions, the 1937 Constitution was not drafted by a constituent, that is, by an association of parliamentarians, but was written by a single person and approved by the President Getulio Vargas. Who was the drafter of this Constitution?
a) Gustavo Capanema
b) Felinto Müller
c) Francisco Campos
d) Plínio Salgado
e) Miranda Bridges
answers Question 1Letter C
The 1937 Constitution had as an initiative the promotion of pre-university public education, giving support to those that already existed at the state level and with the objective of integrating and developing the country, both at the geographic and at the level of professional training.
Question 2Letter D
The 1937 Constitution had many traces of fascist legal texts, such as Mussolini's Carta del Lavoro (1927) and the Polish Constitution of 1935, drafted by Jozef Pilsudski. The latter exerted a greater influence on the Constitution of the Estado Novo, which became known as “Polish” (Polish). This expression soon became popular, as the constitutional text came to be associated with the figure of foreign prostitutes who lived in Rio de Janeiro and who were known at that time as "Polish".
Question 3Letter A
The 1937 Constitution gave political and legal legitimacy to Vargas' Estado Novo, which was, by definition, a dictatorship. Although the main text had a democratic appearance, the final and transitional provisions allowed the Executive Branch, in the person of the president, to carry out actions that overlapped the other powers, as well as suppress the validity of fundamental civil rights.
Question 4Letter C
The jurist Francisco Campos was Vargas' Minister of Justice. The text of the 1937 Constitution was entirely written by him, who was ideologically aligned with European fascism (hence the influence of the Italian and Polish Constitutions on his text).