The story begins in the Aleutian Islands during the early days of the war. Siggi lives happily in her small village with her family, but her world is turned upside down when the Japanese invade the islands. To protect the civilians from potential harm, the United States government forcibly evacuates the Aleut population from their homeland and sends them to various internment camps in Alaska.
Siggi and her community find themselves at one of these camps, living in harsh and unfamiliar conditions. Throughout the novel, Siggi shows extraordinary resilience and strength as she faces the pain of separation from her home and loved ones, as well as the loss of her cultural traditions. She learns to navigate the challenges of her new environment and finds ways to cope with her grief and uncertain future.
The story also explores the complex relationships between Siggi and the people around her. She forms close bonds with other Aleut evacuees, forming a sense of community and support during their difficult circumstances. However, she also encounters people who are indifferent to their plight, highlighting the harsh realities and discrimination that many Aleut people faced.
As the war progresses and Siggi's perspective evolves, she gains a deeper understanding of what it means to be Aleut and the importance of preserving her cultural heritage. Despite the challenges she encounters, Siggi remains determined to remain hopeful and find ways to make a positive impact on her community.
Overall, "Aleutian Sparrow" is a poignant and thought-provoking historical novel that explores themes of personal growth, cultural resilience, and the profound impact of war and displacement on the lives of individuals and communities.